The Fabric of the Cosmos" by Brian Greene


Comet NEOWISE, officially known as C/2020 F3, provided a unique glimpse into the universe when it made its close approach to Earth in July 2020. Here are some of the revealing changes it brought to our understanding of the cosmos:Ancient Visitor: NEOWISE is a long-period comet, meaning it takes thousands of years to orbit the Sun. Its appearance gave scientists an opportunity to study a relic from the distant past, offering insights into the composition and characteristics of comets from the early solar system.Observation Opportunity: The comet became visible to the naked eye, even in urban areas, which is relatively rare for comets. This allowed millions of people around the world to witness a celestial event and sparked widespread interest in astronomy.Solar System Dynamics: The study of NEOWISE's orbit helped refine our understanding of the dynamics of comets in the solar system, including their trajectories, orbital parameters, and how they interact with the Sun's gravitational pull.Composition Insights: Scientists used spectroscopy to analyze the light emitted by NEOWISE. This analysis revealed valuable information about the comet's composition, such as the presence of dust and various chemical compounds, shedding light on the materials present in these ancient objects.Contribution to Space Science: NEOWISE's observation added to our knowledge of celestial bodies and their behavior in space. It provided data that contributes to the broader field of planetary science and helps us understand the origins and evolution of comets.In summary, Comet NEOWISE's passage by Earth in 2020 allowed scientists and enthusiasts alike to witness a cosmic event and gain new insights into the composition and behavior of comets, contributing to our broader understanding of the universe and its history.

Jim Green Footwear


Jim Green Footwear was born out of humble beginnings, in a back-yard garage in 1992, with the idea in mind of making a boot that lasts and lasts. It wasn’t long before Jim Green had gained a reputation among local communities, living up to its’ name of being tough, rugged, and able to go the distance, eventually becoming a household name across South Africa. Jim Green is not only hand made in South Africa, but all components are also locally sourced. With an unemployment rate of 35%, it is important to us to support our local people and economy. Our factory is run in an ethical manner and we pride ourselves on bringing you the best value for money footwear, while at the same time living up to our name. Today, Jim Green is still one of South Africa’s favorite adventure and work wear footwear brands, being worn by large and small corporations and remains a local favorite among the farming and hiking communities. Durability – Comfort – Quality #myjimgreens



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