Ready To Act

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Welcome to the Official Channel! Follow the adventures of everyone's favourite crazy and clumsy character Mr Bean. Here you will find all of your favorite Mr Bean moments from the classic Mr Bean series as well as his exciting new animated adventures! Watch full episodes, funny clips and compilations from Rowan Atkinson and Richard Curtis’s classic British Sitcom Mr Bean on YouTube today. Mr Bean uses his unusual wit to fulfill everyday tasks but more often than not, ends up creating trouble for himself and those around him. Mr Bean lives with Teddy, his stuffed brown bear and drives around in his classic Mini. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss a full episode of Mr Bean, Mr Bean Animated or our Mr Bean clips and compilations.

Sheikh ul Wazaif’s videos on authentic Islamic recitations (Wazaif), spiritual acts (A’maal), and tips authenticated by the Quran, Hadith, and the lives of our Pious Predecessors. Subscribe to see more Wazaif, tips, and spiritual acts on your feed!

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Ubqari institute is a world-renowned organization founded by the Islamic Spiritual Scholar Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai DB otherwise known as ‘Sheikh-ul-Wazaif’. Our Mission is to provide humanitarian and spiritual services worldwide,regardless of religion, creed, or nationality. About SheikhUlWazaif Hazrat Hakeem Muhammad Tariq Mahmood Chughtai is one of the most Influential Spiritual Leaders in the 21st Century, his weekly Spiritual lectures are listened to in over 200 countries worldwide and are followed by millions of people on various social media channels. In 1991, he was made the Spiritual Heir of the 5 chains of Tasawwuf including Qadri, Chisti, Suhrawardi, Naqshbandi and Shazli by the permissions of Saints

Escuela online de Interpretación y Actuación cinematográfica


Acting School es la primera escuela de Interpretación y Actuación de método Layer de España, y la escuela privada de acting con más contenido de formación online y presencial a nivel nacional. Disponemos de un curso abierto formativo de unos 3 a 5 años con clases semanales en directo en formato online + prácticas de rodajes cinematográficos en todo el territorio español. Puedes encontrar más información en contactar en 635980315 y seguirnos en redes sociales para mantenerte conectado.

"Generosity Unleashed: Inspiring Acts of Giving"


"In this channel, we believe in the transformative power of giving. We're here to inspire kindness, compassion, and positive change in the world. Our videos are dedicated to showcasing heartwarming stories of generosity, acts of kindness, and the incredible impact small gestures can have on people's lives. From random acts of kindness to organized charity initiatives, we highlight the beauty of giving back to the community. Join us on this heartfelt journey where we celebrate the unsung heroes, philanthropists, and everyday people making a difference. Whether it's uplifting stories, charitable initiatives, or practical tips on how you can contribute, our channel is a beacon of hope and a reminder that even the smallest act of giving can create ripples of change. Through our videos, we aim to spread positivity, encourage empathy, and foster a sense of community. We invite you to be a part of this movement by watching, sharing, and participating. Together, let's make the world a kinder, more compassionate place, one act of giving at a time."

You live fully when acting


This channel is to motivate you to achieve your greatness. To tell you the truth, disregarding where you are in life whatever you face you can ,you always can ,doesn't matter how hard life might seem there's always a way out. Everybody face hard moments ,but you gotta pick your self up and find a solution, it can be something that you want to fix in your life maybe you are not as smart, fit, strong ,disciplined as you want it can be everything that you desire to have ,or maybe you are struggling due to your marriage ,problems in your family, debt whatever .You have to know there's always a way out, a solution .You must know that within you there's a great power that you will find whenever you need it. You should never fall in desperation, put blame on others or circumstances instead you gotta see forward and never give up . Get prepared , never give up and most important act that's what counts after figuring out what's wrong with your life or what is the think you desire to have externally or internally you gotta do the plane to get there and most important follow your plane with persistence and know that you are not alone you have the universe in every moment he is with you, is trying to help you. You are supported by him, you are his expression ,you have a reason why you are here not just to live and struggle passing live without orientation .There's a reason why you are here the universe doesn't brought you intentionally so knowing that you have a meaning in life ,doesn't matter where you are or what you want, it's possible you have an immense power given by this meaning tell this your self every day and you are going to see that it's nothing to stop you achieving what you want .Never give up you are not alone. Act every day. You are meant for greatness.



Mediterranean Acting nació para formar a los alumnos en un oficio excitante como es el Arte Dramático. Las técnicas de arte dramático afectan directamente al estado anímico de la persona, desde la primera clase. Esto es muy serio. No se puede separar a la persona del actor. Mi nombre es Fermín Senabre Cots y soy el fundador de Mediterranean Acting. Hace muchos años, cuando era estudiante, aprendí un método de actuación que tuve que abandonar tiempo después por las graves consecuencias anímicas que provocaba a largo plazo. Esto me hizo ver que las técnicas de actuación son muy valiosas porque afectan a tu vida cotidiana en las relaciones con las personas de tu entorno. Por eso Mediterranean Acting defiende que el Arte Dramático es el Arte de Relacionarte y trabaja para que todas las técnicas de actuación que enseña sean respetuosas con el estado personal anímico del alumno. Los ejercicios son prácticos, sencillos y rigurosos. El enfoque hacia el alumno es potenciar sus aspectos positivos como actores. El actor profesional entrena las relaciones humanas con su compañero de escena durante horas en los ensayos para que el objetivo de la escena salga adelante, esto es el arte de relacionarse, de ahí surge la gran escena que nos atrapa como espectadores. Pero vamos más allá, hemos conseguido modernizar vertientes de las técnicas que, además de respetar a la persona y potenciar sus aspectos positivos en el escenario, son totalmente trasladables a la vida real cotidiana que mejorarán su capacidad de relacionarte en tu entorno vital. Lo llamamos "Despertar tu Carácter Mediterráneo". Despertar tu Carácter Mediterráneo es un proceso mediante el cual la persona que se suma a Mediterránean Acting consigue recuperar el control de su vida en los aspectos personales que ella prioriza. Así, si es normal esforzarnos en entrenar el cuerpo y la mente, con Mediterranean Acting entrenarás tu habilidad de relacionarte con las personas.