Basic Skills For Basic Things in Life


Home makers were revered as bastions of knowledge and stability within the family. Housewife is a derogatory term in our educational and professional institutions. There are so many basic things that home makers did that have now been replaced with habits that are far less useful. A few generations ago, even in my childhood, there were families in our subdivision that kept chickens, Our backyard neighbors did as did many in my neighborhood. One family also had goats. There was a small sheep farm in the neighboring subdivision. Fresh eggs were the norm as was at least partial self sufficiency. Most suburban places today allow you to have a few chickens (probably not roos though). You don’t need a farm to have chickens or rabbits, rid your family of seed oils, maintain your own baking yeast, render your own animal fats or completely change your relationship with the planet that you live on. Start where you are with what you can do NOW, then grow from there.

The Real Truth Will Prevail


There is no such thing as your truth, only your interpretation of the truth. I hope that people will know the difference between these things and stop using the phrase "my truth" and any version of it to say that what they think is their truth is their interpretation of the truth. There is only one truth in everything and we do not own the truth, but we do own our interpretation of the truth and our interpretation of the truth is our way of understanding the truth, even if it's incorrect.