Aprenda como fazer um TCC, Artigo, Dissertação ou Tese


Bem-vindo ao meu canal do YouTube! Aqui você encontrará dicas e orientações valiosas para ajudá-lo a concluir com sucesso o sua monografia, utilizando TCC em blocos,e a técnica TSAC. Nós abordamos tópicos relacionados à monografia, dissertação e tese, para que você possa se sentir seguro e confiante durante todo o processo de elaboração do seu trabalho acadêmico. Inscreva-se agora e acompanhe nossos vídeos para ajudar você a alcançar seu objetivo.



Welcome to my AI art channel! My name is Joe and I'm an AI artist who loves to use AI technology to create unique pieces of art. I'm a big believer in side hustles, so I'm here to share my knowledge and experiences with AI art and show you how to make money with it. I'll be posting videos about my art and tutorials to help you get started. AI art is a great way to make money and have fun doing it. If you have an interest in art and technology, then AI art is the perfect side hustle for you. So, what are you waiting for? Subscribe to AI artist Joe's YouTube channel and start making money with AI art!

Aprenda sobre finanças e investimentos de forma simples e descomplicada!


Eu sou a Vanessa, a idealizadora do "Viva de Trade", um canal criado para falar de finanças e investimentos de um jeito descontraído, descomplicado e prático! Então, se você que está começando no mundo dos investimentos, ou quer melhorar seus conhecimentos, aproveite nosso conteúdo, vai ter muita coisa legal! Espero muito que eu possa te ajudar a trilhar um caminho de sucesso no mundo das finanças! Vamos decolar juntos!!!! IMPORTANTE As informações contidas neste canal, incluindo transmissões ou mensagens de voz gravadas e quaisquer outras mensagens / mídias associadas são fornecidas apenas para fins informativos e educacionais. As Informações não devem ser interpretadas como consultoria de investimento / negociação e não devem ser uma solicitação ou recomendação para comprar, vender ou manter qualquer ativo negocíavel. LEMBRE-SE: O único responsável por suas decisões é somente você!

Steven Bankey & The Flatlanders


Steven Bankey & The Flatlander’s is a red dirt country band out of Kansas City, Mo. Heavily influenced by the grassroots country music movement originating in southern parts of Texas and Oklahoma they have used these influences to shape their own sound and energy and it’s evident in both their recorded material and live shows. Their on stage chemistry is genuine and effortless and their fans get it, creating an emotional and unforgettable experience. Looking For Something more was their freshman record and was released under the label Tremulant Records out of North Carolina. “The Drifter” the albums single is featured on the Spotify Playlist’s “Playlist Texas” and “Its Country To Me”. “The Drifter” also featured a full length cinematic video shot and directed by Rivera Studios. Steven Bankey & The Flatlander’s are currently writing for their next album due to be released sometime early 2021. Formed in 2018 Steven Bankey & The Flatlander’s may have only been a band for a short time but more than make up for it with it’s seasoned members. Steven Bankey fronts the band and brings with him rich vocals and a unique style of approaching rhythm guitar. Bankey has been writing songs for over a decade and his life experience’s can be found throughout the lyrics of the songs. Steven earned an American Songwriting Award on “Lightning In A Bottle”, a song for which he co-wrote, and it charted on both indie and major charts. Nate Gregory while the youngest member of the band at only 16 already has over 200 shows under his belt. Nate cut his teeth covering such legends as Tom Petty and Stevie Ray Vaughn but he really hit his stride when he discovered Johnny Cash and Brent Mason. Nate has really honed his chicken picken style and has seamlessly adapted his playing to become a integral part of Steven Bankey & The Flatlander’s sound. Nate found a home with the band and through encouragement from the crowd and his bandmates there is really is no limit to his potential. Micah Bourquin has grown up in and or around music his entire life so when it came to picking up a bass guitar it came naturally. Micah is about as good as they get. As with any good bass player he understands that a solid rhythm section is the foundation of a band and with him laying down the bedrock The Flatlander’s have really honed their sound. Ross Barringer or what we like to call him “The Bus Driver” is the teams quarterback if you will. Born in North Dakota and raised in Minnesota he brings us all together with his goofy personality that can be described in two words Minnesota Nice. Don’t let that fool you though when it comes to drums and percussion Ross is all business and with that comes a list of accolades that would take pages to mention. He is the most experienced of the group. Ross is a recipient of the John Philip Sousa award and has been playing in bands for the better part of two decades. Ross is the glue to the Flatlander’s sound and integral part of the team. If you love what you do, then you will never work a day in your life. This is a motto that really applies to this band. We truly enjoy every show and are thankful for the opportunity to share that with our fans . From the bottoms of our hearts we thank you and hopefully we will see you on down the road. Until then, Steven Bankey & The Flatlander’s