Burnt Krackerz ®


Thank you very much for subscribing to my channel. I apologize for the delay, my best friend and partner has passed away unexpectedly right on the precipice of our launching this channel officially. I will carry on and complete this in his memory. Seeing people subscribe at this early point is the inspiration I need to do this, so I want to thank you once again for believing and being here. *~ I don't know where this belongs , it shouldn't even be. Greg, a friend of nearly 40 years.. and my biggest fan, has passed away. He was the biggest believer by far, in this music. Even more-so than myself. My drummer Brad is gone, and now Greg has joined him. I have a dead friend on each shoulder, so I'm gonna finally do this... for those two must live outside my memories for everyone, forever. I'm telling you now, you're not going to believe what you see & hear, but you're going to be damn glad you did . Thank you so much for sharing any interest in this, but most of all, thank you for your time, because that's truly the one thing money can't buy. Have you ever had a friend that formed who you are? A friend, of your entire adult life, who when they looked at you, instantly every thing you had ever been through together, flowed through your head at once? That was Greg. And now without him, nothing seems real any longer. Thank you for being here. I promise, you won't regret it. That is all. ~* "Burnt Krackerz" began in 1984 with each of the three membezs unknowingly on a collision course with the kozmozr. By the Spring of 1987, the astounding story had started. It's the saga of a fascinating tale once told, will entertain millionz of future fanz. I would love for this to be done in an up-coming documentary entitled: "Space~Bass: An American Oddity". It's currently in production. The trailer iz nearly finished, and will be premiering soon. Thank you very much for subscribing, and getting in on the ground floor! A huge thanks to all the entities involved: "Krackerz Arkivez" "*The $ide Effect$*" "PsyberdeliX" "Godz Thumb" "(([{ The Quadfather }))" "$hoe$tring Productionz" {{{ This project iz dedicated to and for... }}} Bradley Urbahns Gregory Burris