Advanced Regenerative Detox Coach, Iridologist & Quantum Healing Hypnotherapist

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Here you will find videos on how to get YOURSELF better thru diet, exercise and right living. I will also be hosting interviews with friends and other interesting folks who are experts in their field and want to share with you ALL things related to true HEALTH and VITALITY. I am an Advanced Regenerative Detoxification Specialist, Lymphatic Iridologist and Quantum Healing Hypnotherapist. I received my trainings from the World's BEST in the field, namely Dr. Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., & Dolores Cannon. I'm still on the path of healing, as true Regenerative Detoxification takes years, but my true calling is helping others along the way to clear the obstructions to the flow of energy in order to live free of aches, pains, depression and all the ailments that seem to plague humanity. I am a natural healer. I am a mother to three amazing souls. I am a yogi. I am a vessel in service to YOU. STAY TUNED!

The Abundantly Healing Therapist


Hello everyone and welcome to my channel! Thanks so much for watching and I hope that you learn something from me. I am in school for Psychology and I want to bring the information of what I know to my channel in hopes to help someone else like me. We don't need a celebrity to motivate us, we need to see our every day people as well to show us motivation 😊. If you enjoyed my videos and channel, please - LIKE , COMMENT , & SUBSCRIBE 💝 - 💲DONATIONS: 😄 If you love my content and feel you want to donate to the channel, the links are around somewhere lol THANKS SO MUCH IN ADVANCE! 😘 Stay posted for the next videos to come.

Massimo Defilippo


Fisioterapiarubiera è il Canale per imparare le Cure che Funzionano, senza effetti collaterali, per eliminare il dolore e gli altri sintomi. Si parla soprattutto della ricerca della causa del disturbo. L'era delle terapie sintomatiche è finita, oggi è possibile curare la causa del dolore. Tutto è basato sulla ricerca scientifica e le esperienze reali, personali e di pazienti guariti con queste terapie. Però, questo canale non è per te se appena senti dolore prendi un farmaco e non sei disposto a cambiare il tuo stile di vita. Se ti interessa imparare le Cure che Funzionano, iscriviti al canale e attiva le notifiche: Si possono trovare gli articoli completi sul sito: Seguici anche su facebook: Le informazioni del canale non costituiscono una diagnosi, non sostituiscono la visita medica e non possono essere considerati la prescrizione di una terapia.

Guided meditations for specific issues created by professional Hypnotherapist


These videos are carefully designed by Professional Doctor and Certified Therapist. Firstly these Videos will create Mindfulness with audio visuals, making you relaxed. After relieving stress positive affirmation will enlighten your heart and emotional centers. The positive affirmations and the progressive binaural sounds will bring healing for specific problems with Deep Heart touching affirmation words. Common problems like Stress, Anxiety, Fear, Phobia, Stage Fright, Lack of confidence, Study problems, Relationship issues etc. will be focused in separate videos. It is not a medical treatment but will help you to heal yourself yourself with deep connection to Joy and happiness. Remember NO ONE can help you, if you are not willing to Improve your life. The wholistic approach will overall improve your life and outlook towards the world and manifest positive change. For Chronic Problems please visit my Wellbeing Centre or message me in WhatsApp for Live Video Therapy Therapy, for your particular issue. 921 3330382537 Join Facebook Page for more. For in-depth Knowledge of Mindfulness Meditation try this eBook