Prepper Talk Radio


Combining 3 lifetimes of experienced, tried, and true prepping and self-reliance with diverse backgrounds educationally, vocationally and regionally. Aligned on the principles of God, family and country to help build a stronger, more prepared community and Nation. We believe every person and family has an obligation to be or become self-reliant and to help build stronger, more prepared communities for all of life's unexpected emergencies, BIG or small. It doesn't matter if you call yourself a prepper, a survivalist, a citizen or patriot; we are all in this together. Our mission is to survive, thrive and carry on traditions of liberty and self reliance through our faith and fellowship.

Texas Talkin' with Shilo Platts


Our once great nation is in decline, and it is not overly dramatic to state America’s demise is imminent if good people fail to act. One would only be demonstrating their naivety to declare otherwise. World history is filled with accounts of once powerful nations which perished at the hands of the enemy within. If you have asked yourself what the Hell is happening in America, if you have felt disillusioned, if you have felt helpless, read further, you are not alone. Generations of honorable men and women have sacrificed their lives to preserve these United States, and we will not let the foundation for which they so greatly sacrificed be torn from beneath the good people of our nation. We need you to stand committed with us in reinstalling a government which represents the interest of all Americans, a government which abides by the rule of law, is bound by truth, and adheres to our Constitution. We fight for you, with you--brothers and sisters alike--to reestablish America as a beacon of light, and example of integrity and justice for the world. We are Revelation Nation, the antidote to globalist mainstream media who would have you believe all is well. We are men and women who unapologetically declare our faith in God. We pursue truth at any cost, and hold fast to our conviction that integrity is not to be compromised. We are people who believe in equality, fairness, and justice. We are a movement, not a show, and we invite you to join us. As we see it, it is time for all good people to act!

B&B Burchardt und Böttcher


Alarm! Wer hier keine Premiere verpassen möchte, bitte den Kanal abonnieren und die Glocke aktivieren! Burchardt & Böttcher #31 Ich bin im Bundestag, holt mich hier raus! Jeden Sonntag um 12 Uhr verlängern Matthias Burchardt und Sven Böttcher virtuell euren Frühstückstisch, wundern sich mit euch, was nicht in BILD und FAZ steht und machen sich möglicherweise sogar nützlich. Andernfalls machen sie jedenfalls Spaß. Im Ernst. Pay as you like. Ohne eure Unterstützung kann es B&B nicht geben: IBAN: DE22 2075 0000 0091 1012 20 Name: B+B Sven Böttcher BIC: NOLADE21HAM --- SPK Harburg-Buxtehude 21640 Neuenkirchen PayPal: Danke für eure Geschenke, neue Inhalte folgen, unterdessen bauen wir an weiter und freuen uns über euren Besuch. Ohne euch gäbe es das alles nicht, 1000 mal Dank. B&B Burchardt & Böttcher Podcast Links: Apple : Spotify : Google : Podimo : Weiterführende Webseiten : erzä