Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit


Experience God. Find Community. Fulfill Your Purpose. ACHS is an Anglican Church in Prescott Valley, AZ who\\\'s been live streaming Sunday services for over 2 years. We try to get an edited version uploaded too–just the Gospel reading and sermon–for those pressed for time.\\n\\nPastor (Fr.) Steven "Chappy" Balog is a retired Army chaplain and current rector of Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit in Prescott Valley, AZ. Each weekday morning, Chappy comes to you live via Facebook Live to bring hope, encouragement, and instruction in Christian daily living to help equip the You and every saint for a fulfilled life, living for God and his purpose in your life.\\n



My 94 year old Mother -In-Law was in assisted living during COVID. and unfortunately died while being on lock-down. In reality she was locked up, a prisoner in her room. No outside contacts for six months, meals alone and no social contacts with other "inmates". Effectively solitary confinement. She always enjoyed my player piano and loved to sing along with us. I want to bring this joy to others who might be a "captive" audience . I thought about putting the piano in my pick up truck and going around to facilities and playing but decided that this would cause damage to my antique player piano. So I came up with the idea to have a video channel. I hope this will be enjoyed by Nursing Home and Assisted Living residents and Day Care and Nursery School children as well as families singing together. If you care to give a gift of any amount to support my work you can give it at:

Sancta Sedes Apostolica - The Holy Apostolic See


Sancta Sedes Apostolica - The Holy Apostolic See of the Vicar of Christ Our Lord - this Holy See, by Divine mission from God, is defending the Catholic religion, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, the true Code of Canon Law (1917 Code), the true Sacraments - the Roman Catholic Church condemns all the evil HERETICAL lies of Our enemies, the Novus Ordo APOSTATE SECT, the SSPX, SSPX-MC, SSPV and sedevacantist heretics etc., ALL of them excommunicated servants of the devil, for their heresies and scandals...In order to be fully accepted into the Roman Catholic Church, one must abjure the heresies believed, be conditionally baptized and examined by the Church in order to make certain that the Catholic Faith, which is nothing else but Catholic Tradition, is truly and fully professed and believed... Only the true Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the Tridentine Mass in Latin (1940 AD print Missale Romanum) is offered to God DAILY by His Holiness Pope Jacobus I, and the true Sacrament of Penance, and so on. EMAIL : (NB: To all who would attempt to post ANY comments on this Holy See publication platform - ALL COMMENTS on the work of the rightful Sovereign Pontiff constitute mortal sin of heresy and schism, as such opinions usurp the Papal Magisterial Authority while voicing their own, oftentimes heretical, opinions, and daring to post them on the publishing platform of the true Holy Apostolic See...ALL such comments will be deleted and such a sacrilege committing disrespectful insulting person will be muted indefinitely...)

Old Computer Nerd Verified

48 Followers Tech Videos That I don't want on my philosophy channel. Mainly, about the Atari 800, gaming and programming. But other things as well. Such as the MVS/370 emulator, FreeDOS, Linux stuff, amateur radio on Linux, and occasionally the philosophy of technology. My other channels: - Aristotle's Anchorite: A channel devoted to low-level philosophy. Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Politics. Occasionally delving into commentary on current events when they intersect with philosophy. - Random Videos I collect on all different topics. I accumulate them here, for convenience sake.

Old Philosophy Nerd Verified


An "Anchorite" is, according to the Rule of St. Benedict, a hermit monk, no longer in the "first fervour of the monastic life". He says they are "Well-armed... for the single combat of the desert..." and to "fight against the devil". Maybe. But I'm probably somewhere between that and the sarabaite, because I "still keep faith with the world in what [I] do...". In any case, I aspire to the life of the Anchorite, and I am most convinced of Aristotle's philosophy (with a side of Plato). That's what this channel is about. It has a companion blog here: My other channels: - Atari Code. Mainly about the Atari 8-bit gaming and programming. But other things as well. Such as the MVS/370 emulator, Linux stuff, amateur radio on Linux, and occasionally the philosophy of technology. - Random Videos I collect on all different topics