Creative Society Afrikaans


he international project "Creative Society" was initiated by people around the world. Consumerism dominates in today’s society, and we all see that it has played itself out, which is leading humankind into a dead-end. On May 11, 2019, at the global online conference “SOCIETY. THE LAST CHANCE”, people raised this issue and expressed a common opinion that building a new creative society is a vital necessity. The unique format of the conference inspired people to take action because they were able to express their sincere opinion and take responsibility for their own lives and our common future. At this stage, we set out the goal of finding out from people around the world whether they want to live in the Creative Society as well as of informing the public about this possibility. Here you will find videos produced by people from more than 180 countries around the world. Join this initiative and visit website



«Արարող հասարակություն» նախագիծը բոլոր մարդկանց գործն է, այդ իսկ պատճառով այս նախաձեռնությունը իրականացվում է մասնակիցների կողմից և չի ֆինանսավորվում որևէ երրորդ կողմերի կողմից: Ինչպես այս նախագիծը, այնպես էլ «ԱԼԼԱՏՌԱ» ՄՀՇ- ի մյուս բոլոր նախագծերը, դուրս է կրոնից և քաղաքականությունից: «ԱԼԼԱՏՌԱ» ՄՀՇ-ի մասնակիցները հասարակության ներկայացուցիչներ են, որոնք հանդես են գալիս և պաշտպանում են Արարող հասարակության 8 Հիմքերի իրականացմանը աշխարհի բոլոր երկրներում `ի շահ բոլոր մարդկանց: Արարող հասարակություն ստեղծելու փուլերի մասին մանրամասն կարդացեք հոդվածում «Արարող հասարակության կառուցման հիմքերն ու փուլերը».



«Loominguline ühiskond» on kogu inimkonna projekt, mis pakub võimaluse viia meie tsivilisatsioon võimalikult kiiresti ja rahumeelselt uuele evolutsioonilisele arenguetapile. Selle projekti peamine eesmärk on: EHITADA ÜLEMAAILMSELT LOOMINGULINE ÜHISKOND, kus inimelu on kõrgeima väärtusega. PROJEKTI ÜLESANDED: -Luua tingimused loomingulise ühiskonna rahumeelseks ülesehitamiseks kogu planeedil. -Saada teada inimeste arvamust kogu maailmas, kas nad tahavad elada loomingulise ühiskonna formaadis ja kuidas nad seda näevad. -Pakkuda platvormi loomingulise ühiskonna kontseptsiooni ja mudeli universaalseks rahvusvaheliseks avatud aruteluks kõigis inimelu valdkondades. -Leida uusi viise kogu inimkonna ühendamiseks ja tingimuste loomiseks iga inimese aktiivseks osalemiseks ühiskonnaelus sõltumata sotsiaalsest staatusest, usust, rahvusest.

Norway Creative Society


Creative Society er et prosjekt for hele menneskeheten. Hovedmålet med dette prosjektet er å BYGGE ET VERDENSOMSPEKENDE KREATIVT SAMFUNN der menneskeliv er av høyeste verdi. I dag har vi muligheten til å bringe vår sivilisasjon til et nytt stadium av evolusjonær utvikling på kortest mulig tid. La oss sammen skape fremtiden som menneskeheten fortjener! All informasjon om Creative Society prosjektet finner du på: Kontakt oss:

Syncretist Society


We are a group of truth seekers, seeking out the true meaning of life and sharing our vantage point with others. This training will help you tap into your vantage point to clear distortion and to provide you with the data along with integration and practical synthesizing techniques. The truth is available in every moment and throughout the evolution of consciousness, we have, as a collective, extracted out the meanings and truth of the angles of existence. These are the languages that we will use as the tools to accessing our Truth. We are here to know why we exist. Your codes are your key to really revealing this. You’ve had the answers all along and this information will help put words to what the experience really is. Your life is about finding Truth. Finding the purpose and accepting existence. It can be a wonderful experience that truly leads to divine knowing. Through our struggles, lack of control, accepting the unknown, and participating in truth, we can lift the illusion of the rat race, the homogenized programming of our current reality. We can become masters of our own consciousness and use it to reveal the mysteries of existence. This is our Contribution to the Totality of Consciousness and each one of us has a right to our true potential. This is not some "woo woo" spiritual belief. This is about weaving together many techniques and using the potential of your consciousness to free you from false belief systems. This is when you can have your true spiritual process that is uniquely your own. In this training, we will explore several aspects of this Maia (Illusion of Separateness). We will integrate several systems from Human Design Genetics Astrology Quantum Physics Hermeticism Philosophies Spiritual systems Health and Nutrition along with several other sciences and mythologies to help unlock our consciousness. This channel is for those that seek the answers to life and have a passion for connecting the dots. In order to be a Syncretist, we must be willing to question everything… our previous belief systems, upbringing, cultural homogenization, and be open enough to continually jump paradigms.



We are dedicated to anyone who collects space stamps, postcards, patches, covers, signed autographs from astronauts to astrophilatelic memorabilia, or just enthusiasts of the space hobby, then this is the site for you. Membership of the Astro Space Stamp Society is absolutely FREE. Visit our website at: or send your first and last name (you must send your full name) and email address to Membership of the Astro Space Stamp Society is FREE and you will receive 6 issues of our Orbit magazine and 6 issues of our Newsletter per year in PDF format. A link will be sent to your email address. Orbit is the official magazine of the Astro Space Stamp Society. The first issue was published in January 1988 and six issues of Orbit Magazine are sent to members each year. Orbit is a regular 40-page A4 magazine that keeps members up to date with space stamps, covers, patches and all things space related. Members also receive six issues a year of our Newsletter, which is published between issues of Orbit and is 1-3 pages long.

Silver Screen Society


Welcome to Silver Screen Society, where the magic of movies comes to life! 🎬 Whether you're a seasoned cinephile or just beginning your journey into the world of film, this channel is your go-to destination for all things cinema. From in-depth reviews and thought-provoking analysis to behind-the-scenes insights and fun trivia, we cover it all. Our goal is to explore the art of storytelling through film, highlighting both blockbuster hits and hidden gems from around the globe. Join us as we dive into various genres, discuss the latest releases, and revisit classic films that have stood the test of time. Hit that subscribe button and be part of our community of movie lovers who appreciate the beauty of the big screen. Let’s embark on this cinematic adventure together!

შემოქმედებითი საზოგადოება საქართველო


„შემოქმედებითი საზოგადოება“ ეს არის მთელი კაცობრიობის პროექტი, რაც შესაძლებელს ხდის უმოკლეს დროში მშვიდობიანად მივიყვანოთ ჩვენი ცივილიზაცია ევოლუციური განვითარების ახალი ეტაპზე. ამ პროექტის მთავარი მიზანი მთელი მსოფლიოს მასშტაბით შემოქმედებითი საზოგადოების აშენება, რომელშიც ადამიანის სიცოცხლე უმაღლესი ღირებულებაა. პროექტის მიზნები: მთელ პლანეტაზე შემოქმედებითი საზოგადოების შექმნის პირობების შექმნა მშვიდობიანი გზით. შევეკითხოთ მთელ მსოფლიოში ხალხს, სურთ თუ არა ცხოვრება შემოქმედებით საზოგადოებაში და როგორ ითვალისწინებენ ამას. შექმნა პლატფორმა უნივერსალური საერთაშორისო ღია განხილვის შესახებ შემოქმედებითი საზოგადოების კონცეფციისა და მოდელის შესახებ ადამიანის ცხოვრების ყველა სფეროში. იპოვნეთ მთელი კაცობრიობის გაერთიანების ახალი გზები და შექმნან პირობები თითოეული ადამიანის აქტიური მონაწილეობისთვის საზოგადოების ცხოვრებაში, განურჩევლად სოციალური სტატუსისა, რელიგიისა, ეროვნებისა



“Sociedad Creativa” es un proyecto de toda la humanidad que ofrece la oportunidad de llevar nuestra civilización de forma pacífica a una nueva etapa de desarrollo evolutivo en el menor tiempo posible. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es CONSTRUIR LA SOCIEDAD CREATIVA A NIVEL MUNDIAL en la que la Vida Humana tenga el máximo valor. OBJETIVOS DEL PROYECTO: Crear las condiciones para construir una sociedad creativa en todo el planeta a través de medios pacíficos. Preguntar a la gente de todo el mundo si quieren vivir en una sociedad creativa, y cómo la ven. Proporcionar una plataforma para una discusión global, internacional y abierta del concepto y modelo de la sociedad creativa en todas las esferas de la vida humana. Encontrar nuevas formas de unir a toda la humanidad y crear condiciones para la participación activa de cada persona en la vida de la sociedad, independientemente de su condición social, religión o nacionalidad.