Overcoming unplanned obstacles that can slow you down, derail you, paralyze you with fear.


When we dont know what to do, sometimes we do nothing, or we act out of fear. This can be detrimental to someones well being. I am speaking from experience. I am not an expert, licensed professional on counseling. I am just someone who has been through a lot and want to help people, the same way they helped me. I wanted to create a space free of drama, gossip, hate, fear, discouragement, disrespect, belittlement. I wanted to create a place where you can go, and know that you are not alone, and I am here. Its ok, to not be ok. Our culture will lie and tell you get over it, not that simple. Here I will outline what worked for me.

A Slow Boat Travel Series


We are Nikki, Bobby , Sosa & Sunny. Lost On Vessel Earth has been in the making for two years now. We’ve spent over a year refitting Agápe, our 1988 Bayfield 32C, to fit our needs and to give us an extra layer of comfort as we live full time aboard. We are so excited to launch our Slow Boat Travel Series. It will, at the very least, be a great account of our adventures at sea, but more importantly we hope it will be a door for others to walk through to find their own truth, passion, freedom & unconditional love. Through our videos we hope to accomplish changing perspectives, in hopes of changing our own lives for the better. Of course sailing is the heart of it all. Our deep set passion for the ocean in each of us has allowed this to be our lifestyle of choice. We chose to move around as we please, finding magic in every corner of the earth. As the anchor drags, so do we follow. Please subscribe & Join Our Family Tree ✌️❤️⛵️ Lost On Vessel Earth