

🔥STARTED ON RUMBLE NOW 🔥 *FYNB*Fondle Your Nuts Bro!!! Cancer is real and testicular cancer is no joke, I myself am someone who has dealt with it I had a lump that then in 3-4 weeks spread to my lymph nodes and into my lungs I went thru 3 months of chemo and 3 surgery its in remission now I kicked its ass!!!. DO NOT SLACK AND DO NOT FEEL EMBARRASSED if you feel a lump go to your doctors 1/250 men will have testicular cancer and a lot don't get it checked out until its too late. ITS 99% TREATABLE if you go early enough. DONT SLACK!!! FYNB!!!!** Official Email - Tiktok - @SmokinReacts Instagram - @SmokinSoldierMcYt Twitter - @SmokinSoldierMc

River House Church Sermons Verified


River House is a church family who loves the presence of God. We wear casual clothes and celebrate our freedom in Christ in a non-religious way. Our worship is anointed and contemporary. Our worship leaders make it their aim to be led by the Spirit, usher in the presence of God and facilitate encounters with the Lord. Our teaching and preaching is biblical, practical, transformative and engaging. It is normal to laugh, cry and be transformed by the sermon. We invite you to be transformed by our presence driven, family culture.