A podcast to help you get prepared for the unexpected.


The Get Ready Podcast is here to help you get started in preparing for a grid down situation. Our first 10 episodes will take you from zero to 3 months worth of preparations in everything from food to ammo to medicine. We have exciting guests on our show that teach little known solutions to every day problems we could face in the event of the end of the world as we know it. On this channel we will feature behind the scenes videos, gun related content as well as anything else that is interesting to the Get Ready Podcast community.

Getting Ready For The Golden Age


Earth, is waking up, along with all inhabitants including Human Beings, animal and plant kingdoms, have started their Ascension from 3D reality to 5D reality, and beyond. Join me as I assist in this Great Awakening of the Human race, by providing Channeled information from many Benevolent Galactics, Ascended Masters, Avatars, Archangels, etc., so I can play my part in broadcasting & sharing this out with everyone & adding this to the Collective Consciousness, along with insight, guidance, knowledge and wisdom, regarding all topics related to this Ascension, various Advanced Quantum Technologies & lifestyles, etc. The Age of prosperity for all, unconditional love, joy, beauty, universal compassion and equality for all, is rapidly headed our way. Lets get ready to welcome it with open arms! Services: For Spiritual Guidance, Spiritual Development, Personal Evolution, Life Coaching, Meditation or Preparation, Contact: Telegram: https://t.me/mydailyworld19 Our Channels: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@GettingReadyForTheGoldenAgeEng Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/cFvokaUyV3TI/ Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/c-5699591 Telegram: https://t.me/Golden_Age_Ki_Tayaari (English+Hindi)



JOIN OUR CONGREGATION AND THE MOVEMENT TO RECLAIM AMERICA! Worldwide Whites only yet open & transparent for all to see. No hate, no violence, no idiots. Our goals... 1st: Remove the "Root Problem" / "Head of the Snake" that have gotten The West here in the first place. 2nd: Get Africans back to Africa where they can thrive and accomplish without any obstacles holding them back. 3rd: Demand without compromise everyone else who doesn't belong return to hence they came to better their own Homeland. Simple, right? LOVE, PEACE, AND SEPARATION.