Cast of All Trades


Skills development, exploring ideas, & following curiosity through expert interviews and solo deep dives. My name is Orion Siebert, and I'm passionate about education. Not education as in schooling and academia, but education as in learning with a purpose and a desire. It's my belief that 99% of people would be better off as generalists than specialists, someone who builds a unique and personalized skill stack for their goals and needs. I seek out experts in their fields, whether they be business men, public speakers, professors, blue collar, philosophers, professionals of any kind to interview and learn from. I also do solo deep dive episodes dissecting skills, frameworks, and questions. If that sounds interesting to you, then listen and subscribe so you don't miss our weekly episodes.

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Welcome to "Highlights," the podcast that brings you the best of everything! Join us on this captivating audio journey as we curate and present a collection of the most remarkable stories, experiences, and insights from a wide range of fields and disciplines. Each episode of Highlights takes you on an immersive adventure, combining the art of storytelling with the power of knowledge. Our expert hosts delve into diverse subjects, including science, history, technology, culture, arts, and more, to unearth captivating tales and fascinating discoveries that will leave you enlightened and inspired. Whether you're a curious mind seeking to expand your horizons or simply looking for a dose of inspiration, Highlights has something for everyone. We believe that knowledge should be accessible and enjoyable, so we present it in an engaging and accessible way, making complex concepts relatable and entertaining. Through interviews with experts, captivating narratives, and thought-provoking discussions, we bring you the highlights from the vast ocean of information available, condensing it into bite-sized, immersive episodes that will leave you informed and entertained. So, tune in to Highlights and embark on a journey that will keep you on the edge of your seat, spark your curiosity, and leave you with a new perspective on the world. Prepare to be captivated, inspired, and amazed as we bring you the best moments and insights from the realms of knowledge and discovery.

I video di BastaBugie


Il servizio di informazione BastaBugie è nato dall'iniziativa di alcuni giovani, che si scambiavano delle e-mail con gli articoli più interessanti trovati in internet. Nel 2007 BastaBugie è stato pubblicato in un blog, ed ha preso la forma attuale, con nove articoli alla settimana. I lettori aumentavano di settimana in settimana e nel 2010 BastaBugie, ormai diventato un riferimento culturale irrinunciabile per migliaia di persone, si è trasformato nel sito internet attuale. BastaBugie è una selezione di articoli per difendersi dalle bugie della cultura dominante: televisioni, giornali, internet, scuola, ecc. Oltre duecentomila lettori mensili, decine di migliaia di iscritti alla newsletter, le mail di incoraggiamento, ci spingono ad andare avanti. Caro amico, non perdiamoci d'animo e facciamo di tutto per diffondere un po' di luce in questo mondo. Iscriviti ai nostri canali social e sarai sempre informato sulle ultime novità. Viva la libertà! Viva la verità! Basta bugie!