Radiant Beauty


Welcome to Radiant Beauty!, the YouTube channel where you will find everything related to beauty, from makeup tutorials to product reviews and skincare tips. Our goal is to help you feel more radiant and confident through our informative and entertaining videos. With the help of our beauty experts, we'll take you through the latest fashion tips and trends, so you can look your best at all times. In addition, we will also share skin care tips and tricks, so you can maintain beautiful and healthy skin. Join our beauty community and start your journey to radiant beauty today!

Flawless Asian Makeup Tips for Every Occasion


Welcome to Radiant Touch – your go-to destination for beauty tips and makeup tutorials specially tailored for Asian skin tones and facial features. Whether you're a beginner or a beauty enthusiast, we share easy-to-follow guides, expert techniques, and creative looks for every occasion. Embrace your natural beauty, explore new trends, and find inspiration to glow with confidence. Subscribe now and let’s unlock your radiance together!

Resistenza Radicale - Azione Nonviolenta


Siamo un gruppo di cittadine e cittadini che hanno deciso di lottare. Lottare gandhianamente, in questo momento buio della nostra democrazia e della nostra società, per cambiare strada. Le politiche pandemiche degli ultimi due anni hanno impoverito in ogni senso il nostro vivere, hanno creato false contrapposizioni sociali, hanno esasperato le persone, hanno tolto libertà. E non ci hanno fatti uscire dalla pandemia. È ora di cambiare strada!



It is my pleasure to introduce my new channel! I am a Christian RN that has left the conventional care model. The purpose of this channel is to educate on health topics, encourage other Christians in the healthcare ministry field, and expose the lies being taught about health and wellness. Please subscribe and comment below about how I can best serve you! Ask questions, introduce yourself, and let me know what topics you want to hear about the most! I look forward to this journey with you! Until next time, have a wonderful day! Naomi BSN, RN