Welcome to GrowthZone, your go-to destination for personal growth and self-improvement.


Welcome to GrowthZone, your go-to destination for personal growth and self-improvement. Our mission is to help you "Unlock Your Potential: Transform, Grow, and Thrive" by providing valuable insights, tips, and inspiration on a wide range of topics, including mindfulness, motivation, goal-setting, and emotional well-being. Through our engaging and informative videos, we aim to empower you to overcome challenges, develop a growth mindset, and unlock your true potential. Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the best strategies and techniques for personal development, and learn how to create a more fulfilling, balanced, and successful life. Don't forget to subscribe for regular updates, and let GrowthZone be your guide to a brighter future.

Secession Speakeasy Verified


“Secession Speakeasy” is a weekly analysis/news podcast hosted on Locals, with “Public House Editions” of the show made available to the general public on Odysee, BitChute and Rumble. Here we discuss all the FORBIDDEN topics the Elites do NOT want the common people discussing. We cover important news from the self-determination front on matters of secession, nullification, electoral integrity, balanced representation and personal freedom. Our supplemental show “From Steal to Secession AM” is a geopolitical analysis podcast covering the ongoing attempts of the elites and wanna-be elites to keep their stranglehold on power through lawfare, dirty tricks and shenanigans. We will cover these events as they unfold and watch as the corrupt power structures crumble, ending in a more decentralized world brought about by the act of secession. This show is a production from the team of "On This Terrestrial Ball" Check out our other work at the following sites and support us! https://keepgovlocal.com/ https://keepgovlocal.locals.com/ https://rumble.com/c/c-455027

Vocea Creștinilor


Vocea Creștinilor este o Asociație Media Creștină care are ca scop producerea, editarea, promovarea și distribuirea de materiale scrise, (literatură) audio și video de promovare a valorilor și principiilor creștine, organizarea de acțiuni menite să promoveze valorile și principiile creștine. Prin platforma Vocea Creștinilor dorim să aducem voci din lumea creștină (pastori, evangheliști, învățători biblici, misionari) care să proclame, să învețe și să promoveze Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu și valorile creștine. Donația ta ne ajută să mergem mai departe, ducând proiectele pe care le-am început să fie în continuare o binecuvântare pentru tine: dialoguri, interviuri, știri, articole, motivaționale, anunțuri, etc. Platforma Youtube, Aplicațiile, Radio Online, Website, Vocea TV si Social Media, sunt canale prin care putem răspândi Vestea Bună! Îți mulțumim pentru implicarea ta! Dumnezeu să îți răsplătească! Ciprian Luca

Angie's DIY Art, Crafts, Home Decor Fails & Successes


I\'ve taken some of the worst times of my life and created some of the best items that I could have the ability to create. My life was torn down in 2013 when I couldn\'t find a position in the healthcare field. I was highly paid, but the roll-out of certain legislation forced the businesses that I worked with had to settle for lower-paying workers. Other events like riots in my neighborhood have forced me indoors and depressed. To fight circumstances, I had to fight back by creating. I can\'t sit still and simmer in depression, I HAD to CREATE! \n\nThis channel will show you my successes, and failures during my journey. I am strong, I am confident, I am making gains every single day and invite you to come one my journey. Let\'s get through this together. \n\n#DIY, Crafting, crafts, diy home decor, positive energy, uplifting, encouraging, depression, mental illness, created for a purpose, laughter, love, victory over depression, life changing mentality, you are beautiful, you are wonderful