Ind. Thirty-One Director


Hi everyone! My name is Andrea Carver and I am an Independent Director with Thirty-One Gifts! I have been with the Company since July of 2013, and then promoted to a Director the following July. I have enjoyed this journey more than I could have EVER expected! My Rumble Channel is where I get to share my AWESOME ideas for our wonderful products! SHARE and LIKE my videos if they have helped you!!! Thank you SO much for tuning in!! Andrea Carver Find me on FACEBOOK!! Are you ready to join?!?! Ready to HOST and earn FREE products?!? Want to ready more about my Thirty-One story?

Revista BR Economia


A Revista BR Economia busca analisar e apresentar dados econômicos do Brasil e do mundo, de forma prática e amigável ao público em geral. Somos independentes de todo e qualquer apoio político ou ideológico. Tendo a missão de divulgar a verdade em primeiro lugar, nossa equipe se dedica em construir sempre uma mídia ética, referência em imparcialidade. Nossa visão é aumentar a relevância e confiabilidade da Revista BR Economia em nível nacional, podendo servir como fonte para outros comunicadores. Verificar a veracidade de fatos; combater fake news; pesquisar e conferir informações, divulgadas pela pequena ou grande imprensa, são atributos que fazem parte de nossos valores. Acreditamos que todo acontecimento deve ser compreendido de modo aprofundado, considerando todos os fatores encontrados. Além disso, somos contra toda forma de escravidão e sofrimento, portanto, somos defensores incondicionais da liberdade e dos direitos humanos.

Politically Correcting


Challenging the status quo, POLITICALLY CORRECTING is a unique podcast and radio show where Latino Democrat JOSE PEO and Black Republican LAVELLE LEWIS engage in insightful discussions on political and social issues of the week. Peo – a local politician, veteran, and businessman – and Lewis – an historian, political pundit, and real estate professional – offer a refreshing perspective that transcends party lines as they come together to make sense of the narratives presented by mainstream media.

The Ragged Patriot's salute to amazing americans


A page where any american can go, on one of those dark and dreary days, when the ai bots found the perfect thing to leaves you feeling hopeless and afraid, somehow knowing where to find the buttons normally only family should be able to divine.... these are my counters to those trolls and clockwork\'s dark manipulations, things that i find that can even give me hope and that reminds me every step they take towards blood and ash, the more people are jolted awake and come flocking back (i hope lol)... stay true, stay bright and remember millennials on down, im talking to you, our generations have perfect empathy but we have to remember that not just victims wear shoes but so do the wolves and if we can imagine what its like to be someone else in pain surely we can imagine the perpratrators joy and pretitory nature , surly we can imagine the possibility not everyone is good and one day what might happen if a leader stumbles into power corrupted, with evil in their heart... actions not words are all that matters, and if someones words never stay in one place maybe its time to stop counting on them to be where they say and wake the f UPPPPP!