Ufo's, Aliens, Conspiracies, ect. Plus personal storie's from various sources.


Not so long ago..and from a Galaxy not so far away. Sorry couldnt but help use a Star Wars reference, but hey why not. Millions of people across Earth report seeing object's in our sky's they cannot adentify. With the main stream media and the U.S Government taking a more serious stance on the subject and where B.S Ufo channels are popping out of the woodwork I decided to create a channel thats as honest and truthfull as possable. So basicly iof I dont know or havent seen somthing personaly I'll say so so you can make up your own mind. Also if you have witnessed something and would like to share it I will put on the channel if I am able to do so. The only real criteria is be honest. Nobody has time for B.S...Thank you for taking the time to watch please follow and dont forget to smake that rumble button....

Auto-Hemoterapia por Doutor Luiz Moura


Auto-hemoterapia é uma imunização com o nosso próprio sangue. É um tratamento eficaz sem efeitos colaterais que ameniza o sofrimento e pode prevenir e curar muitas enfermidades. Blog Auto-Hemoterapia por Doutor Luiz Moura: . O que é Auto-hemoterapia? . Auto-Hemoterapia. Contribuição para a Saúde. Conversa com Dr. Luiz Moura. . Dr. Luiz Moura . Breve Histórico . (i)Legalidade . Benefícios x riscos . Experiência . Argumentações a Favor x contra . Conclusão . Artigos . Publicações . Casos documentados . Relatos separados por enfermidades . Links BLOG ► http://autohemoterapia-por-doutor-luiz-moura.blogspot.com

Excel Plus


Thank you for visiting my channel! The Excel Zone contains videos about MS Excel tutorial. MS Excel is a spreadsheet where one can record, analyze and save data. It is a widely used Microsoft Office application and has become a significant part of every business. If you want to get ahead, you have to excel in MS Excel. As a Certified Public Accountant, Financial Consultant and Entrepreneur, MS Excel has been my tandem in my career for more than 2 decades. I also use it for my personal financial monitoring and budgeting. My goal is to help people learn to work with Excel in an efficient manner by making use of its time saving functions and formulas.



I make Super Mario Plush Videos that are family freindly for all ages and just like BigYoshifan\'s and I also make all the Voices for every Mario Plush characters you see and hear! And I edit all my videos and Plush Movies and I make these kind of Videos! Mr. Creeper\'s Commecials Mario and Luigis epicer adventures, Captain Toad\'s Adventures, Mario Plush Movies and Short Films, Minecraft Videos, Animal Crossing New Horizons Lets Plays, and walkthrough Videos! And I hope you enjoy my Super Mario Plush Videos and my lets plays and more! And I am a really Nice and kind person! And I will give you a free shoutout in my next Mr. Creeper Shoutout Videos if you leave a comment and subscribe to my Channel! :D