Hecks Tennis


Welcome to Heck’s Tennis, a channel to help you take your game to the next level. I’m Hector, and I’m here to share all the tennis tips and tricks I’ve learned on my tennis journey. A 3.0 NTRP-rated player when I started, I used tennis instructional videos to improve my swings, serves, and sets. Currently, I’m an NTRP rated 3.5 player trying to make it as a 4.5. My passion for tennis has gone beyond the baseline. I’ve received my PTR (Professional Tennis Registry) 10 and Under certification and have played in over 300 official USTA league matches at every level, including local, regional, sectional, and national, as a player and co-captain. If I help or inspire/entertain please help me grow by subscribing and leaving a comment. That really is all it takes to help the channel out. If you like a product review contact me Check out my Amazon Store Front for products I use https://www.amazon.com/shop/heckstennis

Welcome to Regular Joe Travels! Please Subscribe to Rumble and YouTube! In 2022 we will focus mostly on Mexico. When the world opens up, we will travel all over!


Hello and welcome! Regular Joe is going on the road! I recently purchased a van to travel in. We are going coast to coast, Florida to Alaska, Mexico to Canada! I look forward to making many memories in this van and sharing them with you. From boondocking at a Cracker Barrel or stealth camping in random locations. I look forward sharing a nomadic life. I doesn’t stop there. I love to travel abroad and that is where we will have the most fun! Thank you for watching my content. Staying busy trying to be the best vlogger I can be makes life a lot easier on me and I'm very humbled by your attention. RegularJoeTravels.com RegularJoeTravels - Paypal RegularJoeTravels@gmail.com RegularJoeTravels - FB RegularJoeTravels - Instagram RegularJoeGo -Twitter RegularJoeTravels - Twitch Amazon wishlist for the channel: https://tinyurl.com/yzse5qoy Merch is available NOW: https://my-store-11573697.preview.teespring.com/ Regular Joe

Autismo Pensante


Olá, me chamo Ricardo Oliveira e você está no canal Autismo Pensante, onde costumo abordar sobre autismo, neurodiversidade, deficiência e política, incluindo o modelo social da deficiência e marxismo. O canal são para autistas e demais pessoas com deficiência, pais, profissionais e qualquer um que esteja interessado nos assuntos abordados Sou, autista, trabalho com Comunicação e atuo no tema de Direitos Humanos, em especial da causa das pessoas com deficiência, o norte que sigo são os estudos marxistas e do modelo social da deficiência Caso você tenha dúvida sobre algum tema, é só comentar em algum vídeo, ou mesmo me seguir nas redes sociais pelo @AutismoPensante, nas outras redes costumo falar do canal, além de vários outros projetos sobre autismo e movimento de pessoas com deficiência que acabo participando! E não se esqueça também de se inscrever no canal para acompanhar as atualizações! E-mail de contato autismopensante@gmail.com

Buffalo Recon


Yo guy's the names 🥔Buffalo Recon 🥔aka 🥔Miguel I'm your friendly time to time streamer that strives to make a safe space where you can come and sit to just watch some content or to sit back and chat. [Mediakit](https://beacons.ai/buffalo_recon/mediakit) I absolutely love POTATO's, spending time with my friends I'm at least 35% potato from what I've noticed when I play games. 🥔Who doesn't love a Potato🥔 We are the 1st channel on twitch to have an emote of a GOLDEN POTATO