Chapel Perilous


Chapel Perilous is a thought-snare located somewhere among Jesus and CBS—halfway between the Yemeni Genocide and Harry Potter. The chapel is like the egos of its hosts Alan Bromwell and Corey Cooley, in that once you’re inside, there doesn’t seem to be any way out. Unless you have a ten strip handy. Or you’re willing to solve a Zen riddle the old fashioned way. Who is the master who makes the grass green? Enter at your own risk, and no squealing. Remember: it’s all in your head.

Funny Memes


On this channel, you sure to have a different experience because here you will find information ranging from Fun, Comedy, Funny videos, Memes, Movies/Seasons Scenes Popular/Trending Videos, Confrontations, Street Fights, Animes, Police misconducts, and Paranormals. This channel will also not be bound to the topics mentioned above. This channel plans to share each video showcasing important and relevant information while referencing the best creators that I find on different Social Media on the given topic. Each video will contain compiled information for bringing you a best experience of fun, comedy, information for your pleasure. So, sit back, relax, and get ready to watch some whole some videos on this Channel. And a humble request please like, Share and Subscribe my Channel.

Precious Hour w/TraderStef


TraderStef ™ Author Investor Trader - Fusion/Technical Analysis, Precious Metals Gold, Silver, Miners, Stock Market. Not a Financial Advisor - Follow at Website.\r\n\r\nWebsite:\r\n\r\nTwitter: @TraderStef: \r\n\r\nNONE of the content produced by TraderStef™, staff members, or any services associated with this website should be construed as financial or investment advice. Financial investment is a risky endeavor and may lead to substantial loss. Always perform due diligence before undertaking any financial decision. Not a Financial Advisor. Copyrighted Material – A “by TraderStef” credit linked back to this website is required when using any quotes, technical analysis charts, or publishing a partial version of an article.