The Red Pill For Women: Escape The Alternative Health Matrix


I am a former chronically sick woman. I had eight autoimmune diseases, an eating disorder, ADD, and anxiety and depression. After years of struggling with Western and Alternative Medicine, I was Red-Pilled, an awakening that woke me up to the realization that my emotional state was the true root cause of ALL my conditions. When I resolved my emotional state by going from Camp Victim to Camp Taking Responsibility, I permanently healed all my autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses. I now teach online educational courses that take others down this same healing journey that I took. All your chronic illnesses and autoimmune diseases are coming from the same place, your emotional state, and can be permanently healed - without supplements, medication, or food protocols. Welcome; I am so glad you are here. Let’s get Red-Pilled and Escape the Alternative Health and Wellness Matrix. 👉 My FREE Autoimmune and Chronic Illness 101 Course: 👉 Complimentary Consultation:

Chicago Red Pilled Podcast


2 Late 30’ something Black former High school classmates reunite to start a podcast from a conservative perspective. We talk about our red pilling and our observations over 20 years of growing up in Chicago. We share our unique lens and talk about challenges that Black conservatives and All people in general face in our “Woke” society we live in. We also dive deep into talking about how we can help solve problems effecting the black communities and America overall. It is a show about people, connections, and thought provoking conversation, and the need to challenge our notions/ assumptions and ways of looking at our collective situation as black people in America, specifically the inner cities of America and ways of looking at what we have been fed living in inner cities and more importantly, ways to reverse the narrative . Welcome to Chicago Red Pilled Podcast

Red Pilled Underground


The world went to sleep in 2021 and awoke in 1984. With the gas light on, the great American caravan has come to a halt as the GPS screams “you’ve reached your destination, China.” The news is Orwellian fiction and big tech the guards of your digital prison cell. There is a war of information being fought and military industrial complex is hiding the bullets. We are the Red Pilled Underground! Our mission, bring you the news and information you need to make INFORMED choices. Current events, crypto, breaking news, censored topics, we bring you the news underground. You’ve been blue pilled your whole life, it’s time to wake up. We made waffles!

The Red Pill Ranger


If you're ready for the Real Deal Red Pill Information and content that's actually going to help you and not just feed your ego or support your disdain for women yet hold them ACCOUNTABLE you are in the right place!!! Self Improvement, through Freshness, Fitness and Finances !! Let's Goooo!!! I'm on a quest to educate men and save them from themselves. The Red Pill Ranger is willing to speak the unpopular truths for the betterment of mankind and to make each and every man the best version of themselves! New Episodes Every M, W, and Friday!

Red Pill Time


The Red Pill Time YouTube channel was created for the purpose of showing men, young and old, that they not only have rights as a man, no matter the differing opinion a woman in their life may tell them. But as well, give them the courage to take action, whether this channel teaches them how to be a more masculine man or if it opens their eyes so they see they need to leave a bad place, a poor marriage for example. This channel's intent is to show men how to be colder towards women and colleagues so that they get what they want in life instead of just waiting around for the opportunity to present itself for them. Red Pill Time helps women understand how men feel and helps them better understand a man's nature.

Red Pill Your Religion


You probably already know about all of the many, many, lies that your government and governments around the world have already told us and I assume that you are now one of the many people that are now part of the great awakening that is happening now around the planet and that you are now discovering that many lies have been disguised as truths. They use lies described as truth to carry out their many heinous, vile and murderous crimes against humanity. This has been going on for thousands of years, this is what they have always done to create power and control over the people for themselves and their families. Did you know that the governments and wealthy influencers have also been controlling and changing the Word of our creator and therefore twisting our perception of what His will for us really is and how to carry it out exactly? This is how we got here today in where the few most evil satanic families on the planet are tyrannical dictators and by large are able to control us like we are their cattle, constantly planning ways to control us and kill us off around the planet by their own design. And Ha Shatan loves their plan. They have told us in my view the most heinous lie of all, that we should not use His true Name and that it is wrong to use His name and so they gave Him a new Roman Greek name and then began to stuff many lies for truths into this new name and the masses went for it. I fell for it for thirty years. But to be fair, these lies started to be fabricated over 2000 years ago. That is why some of us now feel overwhelmed by the number of lies that we are now discovering that are not in fact the truth. For the last 3 years I have been reading Hebrew transliterated versions of the scriptures. On this channel I will read from either The Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version, The Scriptures 2009 or The Cepher. I do prefer the Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version (BYNV) as it has done a more thorough job I believe in removing badly transliterated words that change and alter the contextual meanings and then replacing them with the correct Hebrew transliterations which is restoring truth, better comprehension and removing lies.

Red Pill Awareness


"Welcome to our channel dedicated to exploring the often overlooked truths and harsh realities of modern day dating, relationships, and marriage. We gather content from the red pill universe and create short 5 to 10 minute videos. We go deep into the philosophy of the 'red pill' and the importance of awareness in navigating the complex dynamics between men and women. Our aim is to provide insight with a comedic relief about the challenges of modern day relationships and to offer a clear understanding for those seeking to improve their dating outcome we do not promote violence against women we do not bash women or support any type of misogyny. Join us as we uncover the hard truths and delusions that us men face in todays modern day relationship experiences. (All original content will be referenced in descriptions below.)