

Hey Guys! Come join me for some Reactions & Commentary to all kinds of Movies, TV Shows, Songs & more ☺️. I will be watching all Genres/Categories of films. Keep the suggestions coming!🎥 I'm just another film night lover! Hope you guys are too:) I have sooo many films to catch up on, life just kept me away from watching so you will be seeing tons of first time watching reactions from me. Come join me on this fun ride! 💙 Please subscribe & help grow this channel so I can bring more entertaining content your way. @reembokreacts #reembokreacts

Samorealizacija je zakon


Na tem kanalu govorimo o samorealizaciji, osebni rasti, zdravljenju duše in telesa. Smisel iščemo v odgovorih na vprašanja. Kdo smo, kaj smo, kje smo, kdaj smo? Kaj je to čemur pravimo naš svet, kaj je to čemur pravimo realnost? Mi si delimo zgodbe, izkušnje, menja, vizijo. Mi pravimo ne hvala tistemu, kar nam ne služi več in sprejemamo vse tisto, kar nam pomaga na naši poti. Mi nismo na tem svetu zato, da bi trpeli, prestajali, se podrejali in životarili. Živi smo zato, ker hočemo ustvarjati, uživati, ljubiti, deliti, rasti, se razvijati. Živimo zato, da bi se lahko resnično počutili žive!

Innovative and Kreative Style of Learning


Innovative Education: Recognizing that education is not confined to the classroom, Kreative Kultural pioneers creative alternatives to traditional schooling. From unschooling to worldly schooling, the approach prioritizes experiential learning. Language immersion and the exploration of diverse cultures. Children are nurtured as "Mini-Tourists" in life experiences. Cultivating a lifelong love for learning and appreciation for the world's beauty.