International Passport


Welcome to the International Passport channel and Passport Bros movement. I am a traveller who has been to many countries, and I decided to create this channel to share my experiences with others. In particular share my experiences with the women I have dealt with in other countries. If you like my content, hit that subscribe button and donate. Topics on this channel will include: Travelling videos, Interviews, Travel, Tips on Information Technology, Social commentary, Dating/Relationship Advice, Mentorship, News and More.

Animal lovers


I am an animal lover, especially dogs which are my most favourite animals. They have been some people’s only companies these days as well as (being) human’s best friends for thousands of years. A dog is the only thing on this earth that loves you more than he/it loves himself/itself. This means that they are so loyal and loving that they can make a really wonderful companion. It is also said that a pet dog can feel like a member of a family. People often show their love to their pet dogs in the same way as they do to their children, and the feeling is mutual. What I like the most about this animal is that it/he is always ready to offer its/his unconditional love to its/his owner. You know, even if you’ve been so busy that you haven’t had enough time to give your dog the attention it deserves, it’s still madly waiting for you to come home and welcome you warmly. When you’re feeling down and thinking no one loves you, you always have a canine partner to make you feel better and happier. They never judge and are always happy to see you return, whether you’ve been gone five hours or five minutes. Sometimes these animals may be trained and kept with the aim of helping disabled, lonely, elderly or very ill people or those suffering from blindness, in an attempt to meet such people’s everyday needs, such as opening/closing doors, picking up dropped items, emptying the washing machine, etc. People with dogs are shown to have had less heart problems as well because they get regular exercise from walking their pets. In addition, in terms of mental health, having a dog improves dog owner’s mood and alleviate stress which in turn means lowering blood pressure. However, you have to know how to deal with such animals. What I mean is that, they need constant supervision, attention and caring that includes walking, feeding and exercising them frequently, which means your devoting a great deal of time, effort and energy. I wish I could have one, but we have a strict rule regarding keeping pets, especially dogs where I live.

National Socialist Black Metal


NSBM/Black Metal/Neofolk/RAC/Classical/Dark Electronic/Witchhouse from European nations. Currently putting the stuff from my odysee channel here. Much more stuff on Odysee: SLSK Username: whitemuzak "He who loses the arts loses the culture" --Francis Schaeffer “We have art in order not to die of the truth.” –- Friedrich Nietzsche “Music is the answer to the mystery of life. The most profound of all the arts, It expresses the deepest thoughts of life.” -- Arthur Schopenhauer Sun Wheel on the Helmet of Steel Once shone the European Sky The smashing force of hellborn beast The will that no one could resist In Fire The spirit was Born In Fire All weakness has gone... In Fire The battle took place In Fire We forged our Race Legions of Vengeance are growing fast... Proudly return from glorious past The time has cured deep bleeding scars And our sun again will Rise... --Capricornus "Sunwheel on the Helmet of Steel" From a National Socialist pamphlet titled "Americanization would mean the end of Europe!" 1943: "Small and great cultura achievements that we have inherited from past generations and further developed would be taken from us, because the enemy envies them. Jews would once again take over all areas of life and the witches’ dance that we eliminated in Germany in 1933 would return to an even greater degree. Everything holy to us would be mocked: Mother, heroes, God, Glorification of the Negro. Women transformed to girls, Filth and smut for children and adults. Corruption of all areas of culture and life. The arts and sciences will lose their place to the pure practicality of architecture and technology and there will no longer be music in Mozart’s sense. Only one civilization, the American, will rule the world".

Family Life International


Family Life International (FLI) is an international partnership of Catholics working to promote and defend the sanctity of Life and to restore and maintain the pre-eminence of the traditional family as paramount in God’s plan. It is well known that wherever children are welcomed in an environment replete with the blessings of love, truth and lifelong commitment, a Culture of Life is born. FLI, therefore, works to build strong families and to protect the life and human dignity not only of the unborn child but, also, that of the elderly and of the vulnerable. For more information visit:

Welcome to the World of Power Animals

110 Followers Animals are a lost art that is now surfacing after many years underground. Everyone has an animal spirit that resides with and protects them, much like a guardian angel. The relationship with your Power Animals develops over time based on the effort that is made. The more you connect with the spirit of your animal, the more will be revealed to you. Your Power Animal loves you unconditionally and can help heal any self-criticism or lack of self-esteem that many people have inside. Trusting your power animal and working with it will inspire and keep you safe. Your power animal brings out your latent abilities, protects you, and connects you with the unseen world of spirit. Our goal is to help people who want to discover and connect with their Power Animal.

World of Wellness International


The WOW ( World Of Wellness International Limited ) is a not for profit organisation. It has been established to represent the health, wellbeing and peaceful interests of people everywhere. The WOW will also work to retain our health sovereignty by education, research, disease prevention, early treatment and public and government relations. The WOW will ensure that Australians are safe and protected by a voice for choice in healthcare and the delivery of medicines. The WOW is dedicated to the retention and improvement of human rights and free will for everyone including the right to full and informed consent and the individual’s autonomy over medical procedures free of coercion and other forces.