Caminhada da Saudade

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Caminhar pelas ruas da vida nos faz reviver momentos especiais. Lembranças boas brotam a cada passo quando nos conectamos com o que realmente importa. Neste canal, compartilhamos reflexões profundas e perspectivas transformadoras a partir de caminhadas por lugares marcantes. Seguindo as trilhas da saudade, encontramos ensinamentos valiosos. Revivemos amizades, amores, conquistas e sonhos que moldaram quem somos. Apreciamos a beleza de simples instantes que ecoam pela eternidade em nossos corações. Junte-se a nós nesta jornada de introspecção e crescimento. A cada novo vídeo, um convite para olhar para dentro e reencontrar sua melhor versão. Inscreva-se agora para receber doses frequentes de inspiração e esperança.

Building the Chale in Roça

1 Follower

Building the Chale in Roça ... In this video I will show how the chalet was built, where the wood that was used with columns was made of eucalyptus, the tiles are ecological onduline, the chalet has 80% all wood, and 20% wood. masonry, because as you can see in the video, its structure has ceramic blocks. A simple construction, with a person with knowledge of carpentry, and some help and a good bricklayer can make a cottage of this size or smaller, easy, with low cost, because if we take into account making a normal house, it would cost much more, because it has iron and another something else that goes in the house If you liked this video, let your like subscribe to the channel and share this video and help this channel to grow. Thank you very much to everyone #life in the country #building house in the country # wooden cottage # cottage design # eucalyptus cottage #how I built a cheap cottage