Michael Dozier,PhD


Dr Dozier is a reporter for Examiner.com, AXS.com and a contributor for EpicTimes.com,Blasting News, Western Journalism.com and the Middle East Forum. He is a guest commentator and analyst for several national talk radio and news outlets. He has been seen on Fox News, CBS, Newsmax, OANN and several international news outlets. Dr. Dozier is a Spokesman for Teaparty.org and Project 21 He works with GlobeCastR,Llc as an Incident Analyst and Start-EMS in humanitarian aid missions in Africa, Asia, the Balkans and America. He has advanced studies in Homeland Security, Risk Analysis,Emergency Management, and Disaster Preparedness. Dr Dozier served as one of the Commissioners on Disability for Bourne, Massachusetts and Chairman of the Board, and Director of Health and Human Services for the Homeland Security Foundation of America. He works with politicians and government agencies worldwide. He is a United States Army veteran and an advocate for veterans rights.

Michael Joseph Songster


My channel is just a peek inside the twisted head of a guy born in the 1950\'s that still has something to say. Many of the video\'s thus far are either songs that I have written, or songs you may be familiar with that I have change the lyrics to. In any case, some are political in nature, or protest songs or just plain funny. I\'ll try to add contest as often as I can, but being an old fart, it certainly won\'t be a daily occurrence. I hope you enjoy my songs and like and share anything you do \'approve\' of :-) Although I lean to the right, some songs makes the right \'cringe\' - but that\'s just who I am. Concerning the \'left\', well, mostly you\'ll probably not want to hear certain songs. You\'ll most likely disagree with what I\'m saying, but if anything does make you curious enough to \'look into it\', my job is done here!