Christian America Ministries


Christian America Ministries is dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Christian America Ministries is NOT a 501c3 tax-exempt ministry or Church. Christian America Ministries is simply the online and personal Christian ministry of Matthew Dyer. The sermons preached are given to our local Christian fellowship, or other Christian fellowships, and then recorded to be shared online to others. This ministries mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ first and foremost, and also to preach the Anglo-Israel Message that the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian and kindred peoples are the true Israel people, and as those covenant people should submit to God and advance His Kingdom as slaves to King Jesus the Christ. If you would like to mail a letter you can mail it to: Matthew Dyer P.O. Box 511 Amite, Louisiana 70422

Mark Ekawamai Ministries


Biblical truth Ministries. Year 2015, i was woken up by Jesus Christ the MESSIAH. I was not a believer, after two weeks of strange events in my home i finally had to pray. "If this is you GOD, Lord, Jesus? Trying to wake me up...? Then you really have to prove to me that you are REAL!? After 2/3 seconds fire alarm went off few meters away from me... That started this supernatural journey. Jesus is VERY REAL and we can prove it in so many ways! Ask Jesus if He is real, and you will get your answer.

Larson Electronics - American Made and Manufactured Industrial Lighting and UVC Products


Larson Electronics was started by Ernie Larson in 1973. For nearly 40 years, Larson Electronics has built quality lighting products for the cable, telephone and electric utility industry. Using the Larson Electronics website, we reach new customers in various industries, including utilities, construction and towing. Larson Electronics also services federal, state and local governments throughout the United States and Europe. The US Secret Service, US State Department, Department of Homeland Security. We also provide products to all branches of the US military, both domestically and internationally. We support our customers before, during, and after the sale and maintain a wide inventory of parts and accessories allowing us to service the products we sell. Browse our collection of products and information here on to learn more about us and how we can help you find solutions for all of your heavy duty and hazardous location lighting needs.

Bible Believing God Fearing Ministries


Bible Believing God Fearing Ministries \r\n\r\nBible Believing God Fearing Ministries P.O. Box 4293 Brookings Oregon 97415 \r\n\r\nI am a Bible-believing God-fearing Man. I believe in God\\\'s perfect written word, English, King James Bible. I believe in the true Gospel found in the KJV Bible. Repentance (2 Cor 7:10) Belief in the finished work of Jesus on the Cross (1 Cor 15:1-4). These two happen in the heart. Then one confesses both to God in prayer and asks God to save them (Romans 10:9-13) And after God saves you, you will have a changed life (2 Corinthians 5:17). God will clean up your life. (John 17:17, Psalms 119:9-11) I Believe these major Doctrines Eternal Security, Pre-Time of Jacobs Trouble Catching away of the Body of Christ, Dispensational teachings, The Godhead (not the Trinity) This Ministry is about, words have meaning, To encourage the Brethren, promote prayer, Giving God thanks and Glory in all things

Teshuvah Ministries, Inc.


The mission of Teshuvah Ministries is to do what Rabbi Ye'shua commanded, "Go to them (the Scattered) and help them do all that I commissioned them to do." Our goal is to teach the Larger Story we were born into; what it means for women and men to repent; the power of the ezer kenegdo; what the Narrow Path is and how to be a royal priest who delights in Yah's ways. We promote a complete picture of the Family in Heaven (Father, Mother, Son); a simple understanding of the Melchizedek Priesthood and we strive to remove the chaos-making to show that the path to the Happily-Ever-After is simple and doable thanks to the work of Ye'shua. We used to be Christians, but have become Hebrews by leaving pagan traditions and man-made religion to obey YHVH Elohim, God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We are grafted into the commonwealth of Israel through His Son, Ye'shua. We are His disciples – specifically we call ourselves "Brit-Torah-Observant Believers." See our website for more of our beliefs.

Electronics, Arduino, Raspberry ...


In the realm of electronics, innovation knows no bounds. Arduino and Raspberry Pi, two powerhouses of the maker community, reignite the spirit of creativity and exploration. Armed with these versatile platforms, aspiring engineers, hobbyists, and enthusiasts embark on a journey of discovery, pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Arduino, with its user-friendly interface and vast array of sensors, enables the creation of interactive projects that respond to the world around them. From smart home automation to robotics and wearable devices, Arduino empowers inventors to bring their ideas to life. Meanwhile, Raspberry Pi, a tiny yet mighty computer, opens up a world of possibilities for those eager to delve into the realm of programming and computing. Its affordability and versatility make it a go-to choice for home media centers, retro gaming consoles, and even DIY servers. With electronics, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi, the maker community flourishes, inspiring collaboration and knowledge-sharing. As projects come to fruition, new opportunities for learning and innovation arise, fostering a vibrant ecosystem that continues to grow. In this electrifying world of electronics and open-source platforms, the only limit is one's imagination. Together, we embark on a journey of tinkering and exploration, driven by the desire to create, innovate, and shape the future of technology.