Kowalski Mountain


Our Homesteading Adventure: Building a Self-Sufficient Lifestyle... Together 🌱🌻🍁❄️ Philip dreamed of a place that he could build a self sufficient life. A little piece of land where he could hunt, work the land and build a home he could be proud of. His dream began to become reality when he purchased the first 40 acres of Kowalski Mountain in 2016. I met Philip online in 2018. I grew up on a small, hobby farm. While I loved the outdoor lifestyle, I was stuck in my urban life, far from my roots and the lifestyle I loved. It’s hard to deny that Philip and I were meant for each other. We make a great team! We seem to be able to accomplish more than the average couple in record time. Since our Kentucky dream is built in short workcations, our ability to get things done is a huge asset. This is our journey, the victories and the challenges . Thanks for joining us. Welcome! We’re Philip and Barbra-Sue Kowalski

A Light Unto The Gentiles


Long ago, over 2,730 years ago, there was a curse put on the ten northern tribes of Israel, a curse they deserved for their idolatry and betrayal of a righteous Elohim. They were kicked out of the land in 722 bce (before the common era). Those tribes were scattered all over the face of this earth and propagated their seed. The curse period has ended. Since 2009, many who were in the churches awakened to the Ruach HaQodesh calling to them to return to YaHuWaH, witnessing to them they are from the ten lost tribes, and have been among the Gentiles. The Torah is the way, the truth, and the life. And, so is Yahushua the way, the truth, and the life. Come study and fellowship with us as we share from the truthful Scriptures, studying the original Hebrew language. We share the Name of YaHuWaH, and His Son, Yahushua. We share the true calendar of the Scriptures, the original lunisolar calendar, found in Genesis 1:14-16, Psalm 104:19, Leviticus 23, and so many more truths and worship music.

Faith to Act ~ Come Unto Christ


Encouraging others to Act in Faith and learn more about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ in preparation for His Second Coming. www.faithtoact.com . Faith To Act :) FAITH = “Faith is the substance [assurance] of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” - Apostle Paul, New Testament (Hebrews 11:1) “If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true” - Alma, The Book of Mormon (Alma 32:21) "Faith is not only the principle of action, but of power also, in all intelligent beings, whether in heaven or on earth." - Joseph Smith, Prophet of Restoration, Lectures on Faith 3 ACT = "to take action; do something; exert energy or force" Dictionary.com “The Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to ACT for themselves and not to be acted upon.” Nephi, Book of Mormon, (2 Nephi 2:26)

Country & Mountain Life


Country & Mountain Life. A lifestyle of the people who live in rural and remote areas during the Time Of The End. The people who live in country & mountain outposts that provide opportunities to witness in cities and urban areas. Sharing the Three Angels messages of Revelation 14, to hasten the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. To share the truth of Jesus Christ to benefit humanity. As we try, with God's grace, to live the life of "the chosen and faithful." All the videos on this channel are on their respective PlayLists.

Mount Nebo Family Bluegrass Band


Mount Nebo is a family band of young bluegrass musicians born and raised in Indiana, USA. Subscribe to our channel! Our great pleasure of performing for others (especially for the elderly in nursing homes) is now taken away by the Covid-19 pandemic, and so we are making our music available here online for free. Our playlist includes songs we've learned or are learning to play as a family. Feel free to simply listen, sing with us, or grab an instrument and play along! For more information or for booking inquiry, please visit our website: www.mountnebo.net