Homes Around The Villages, FL - With Ira Miller


Ira has worked in The Villages area for over 20 years. He worked for the developer of The Villages for 8 and a half years before moving on to ERA/Grizzard Realtors. In those 20 years Ira has sold over 700 homes mostly in The Villages but since joining ERA/Grizzard he has sold and listed homes outside of The Villages as well. Ira\\\'s philosophy is to give the best customer service that anyone can provide in Real Estate; that is number one. Anyone can sell a home but following up with folks, calling people back and going above and beyond the call of duty whether with his listings or servicing buying clients is what it is all about for Ira. Ira doesn\\\'t just have buying clients, he sells homes to friends that started out as clients. So give him a call; you\\\'ll have a friend in Real Estate.

Mister Trumpy TAP


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Miller Made Workshop


I'm an entrepreneur, maker and filmmaker. I make videos showing you how to making and design things that solve every day problems. I consider myself a business entrepreneur exploring new ways to make and build things so that you can either save money or make money along the way. I genuinely like helping people and will always share my honest unfiltered experiences with you. My goal is to help you create a more fulfilling life for yourself. Subscribe to be a part of the journey!