Hora da Magia do Caos


No dia 18 / 02 / 2018 foi iniciado um programa dominical que ocorrerá sempre às 20h. (salvo qualquer atraso). O programa “Hora da Magia do Caos” discutirá a Magia sob a ótica do perfil pragmático caótico, bem como todas as linhas que possam fazer parte desta prática. No final de cada evento disponibilizaremos o vídeo para apreciação de todos, onde poderão deixar suas perguntas sobre o último vídeo postado, anterior, perguntas as quais responderemos no programa subsequente. Sua colaboração é importante para que possamos sempre nos aprimorar. Seja bem vindo e seja bem vinda! Participe!

The Magic Story Train Podcast


Welcome aboard The Magic Story Train! 🚂✨ I’m Esa Myllylä, a book author passionate about crafting enchanting stories. This podcast is just for kids! Join me on thrilling adventures filled with whimsical characters and magical lands. Each episode will spark your imagination and take you to new worlds where you’ll meet brave heroes and curious creatures. I hope you love my stories! Don’t forget to follow, like, and share The Magic Story Train with your friends. Let’s spread the joy of storytelling together! All aboard for fun! 🛤️🌈

The Painting With Magic Show


The OFFICIAL YOUTUBE channel of Brandon Thomas and Brandon Thomas Art Have you ever wanted to paint beautiful landscapes and seascapes? Now you can! with Brandon's step-by-step lessons you can learn to paint beautiful mountains, trees, waterfalls, meadows, large crashing waves, and palm trees! Just click and learn! Need art supplies? Brandon has a full line of brushes, mediums, and more that he designed for the Wet -on- Wet oil painting technique to help you! All of Brandon's signature products are made of the highest quality and will have you painting beautiful paintings in no time! go to brandonthomasartsupply.com to order today! So join Brandon each week for a new painting show!! and LETS GET MONKEY FACED!! ~Brandon Thomas Art



🎥 Mini-movies about business, marketing, money, & more. 🤵 my goal is to make unique high-quality videos on fascinating subjects & stories (by blending information and entertainment together). 📺 Think of it like a slightly more productive version of Netflix... Unless you're a Netflix lawyer, in which case think of it as something else. 🤑 Whilst business & money are core themes of the channel (hence the 'Magnates' part of the name), my hope is that anyone can enjoy these videos, as we'll be diving into a wide range of interesting topics. 🔔 Feel free to subscribe if you'd like to come along for the ride.

Canal Magia Brasil - Orações - Magias - Simpatias


Bem-vindo ao Canal Magia Brasil, vamos ajudá-lo a atrair prosperidade financeira para sua vida por meio de magias, orações e simpatias poderosas! Aqui, você encontrará diversas técnicas mágicas para melhorar sua situação financeira, atraindo dinheiro e abundância para sua vida. Nossos especialistas em magia compartilharão com você seus conhecimentos sobre práticas mágicas eficazes para alcançar seus objetivos financeiros,. Frequências de Postagem do canal , Segunda e Quarta feira sempre as 13:03 da Tarde . Contribua com Qualquer quantia para o canal clique no link abaixo👇👇 https://www.paypal.com/donate/?business=L5CYS5DQNV77J&no_recurring=0&currency_code=USD ✅ Inscreva-se no Canal e Ative as Notificações 😇 "CUIDADO" NUNCA DEIXE DE PROCURAR UM PROFISSIONAL. Nota: As terapias alternativas não substituem o tratamento/monitoramento médico. Os vídeos não dá um diagnóstico médico.😇 E-mail Para Contato silvanaemauro433@gmail.com

School of Imagination


The School of Imagination is the only real school on this plane of existence. Is made by over worked tired factory workers, considered to have criminal minds, broken lives, and no chance, whatsoever, to achieve what the modern world views to be "success". We have isolated some of the most powerful forces in existence: compounding interests, teamwork, dedication to purpose and, most of all, imagination. Dr. N Pyrostein, a living being from the realm of imagination, showed the secrets of using these forces to escape slavery to lowly and miserable factory guy. This band of factory workers have put this show together to pass these teachings on to you while you watch them escape before your very eyes. We hope you pass on these teachings to another who needs to reclaim there imagination.



Siendo está información la mas reveladora a la que podrás llegar, nos hemos visto en la necesidad de difundirla por medios alternativos para facilitar su llegada a las personas que no tienen el tiempo de leer un libro tan ampuloso como lo es El Misterio de Belicena Villca, después de estudiar la obra por más de diez años y no encontrar error alguno consideramos que este tratado revisionista no solo se convierte en orientador sino que desenmascara a los verdaderos enemigos de la humanidad. La verdad es la guía que nuestro espiritu necesita para podernos reencontrar con nuestra verdadera esencia. Para disfrutar del vídeo libro remitirse a: https://www.ivoox.com/podcast-audio-libro-el-misterio-de-belicena-villca_sq_f1728773_1.html

Gigi’s Magic Mailbox


Hey everyone! I'm Gigi and I'm excited to share with you a wholesome place where we have lots of fun, get Magic Mailbox surprises and read great stories! Read aloud books and more for infants, toddlers, pre-school, pre-k, kindergarten, and elementary kids who love to read and have fun! This unique approach is great for all, especially reluctant readers or those who have a hard time sitting still! The twinkling sound of the Magic Mailbox brings the focus right back to the story! As a mom and a Gigi, I know how important it is to instill a love of books in children! Having great reading skills (and a love of reading) provides a foundation for success! I look forward to spending time with you and your child/children (and grandkids)!