Conservative and Libertarian Freedom Music


Here's the best of music for freedom and liberty minded people. It's easy to hear the garbage out there pumped into your head from folks who want you to worship at the altar of mind numb, mass produced trash. Outside of country music it seems that it's hard to find anything with liberty minded or anti State messaging. That's actually wrong. This channel will highlight music from ALL genres with positive pro liberty messages, concepts and lyrics. Enjoy and turn it up!

UK Libertarian Party


The official Rumble channel of the Libertarian Party UK. 'The Peoples' Party - Libertarianism is a political and philosophical ideology based upon the principles of self ownership and self-responsibility. It posits that all individuals have the right to control their own lives, bodies, and property acquired by honest means. Further, each individual must also respect the equal rights of others. The Libertarian Party UK, BM LPUK, London, WC1N 3XX Tel: 0208 088 8121 Registered with the Electoral Commission RP 2517848 (GB)

Brasil Liberal


Brasil Liberal é uma iniciativa que tenta contribuir com os brasileiros para que tenhamos mais conhecimento e, por consequência, mais apreço a liberdade e a democracia. O Brasil nunca foi um país livre de fato. Pagamos hoje, mais em impostos ao nosso próprio estado, do que pagávamos à coroa portuguesa. Que país é esse? Já perguntava Renato Russo... Vamos juntos descobrir o caminho da prosperidade, já experimentado por muitos países no mundo. Não somos diferentes, só somos puxados para trás por pessoas que tem visões e conceitos que, já não deram certo inúmeras vezes, mas que, inexplicavelmente, ainda são fortes em nossa sociedade.

LibertarianMinded Podcast Verified


During the past few years we have become acutely aware of the organized takeover and slow demolition of nation states by globalist powers. They are attempting to enact a Great Reset via the Fourth Industrial Revolution with the intention of locking down the world under a global technocracy. This is occurring via the capture of local, state, federal and national governments by international institutions such as the United Nations and the World Health Organization, as well as Non-Governmental Organizations such as the World Economic Forum. Join us on our deep dive into what the globalist's agenda is, who is promoting it, and how it is being implemented locally in Pima County. Educate yourself so that you will be better equipped to recognize and stand against this agenda in your community."

Sally Edwards - Libertarian Candidate for Parkes


Sally Edwards has spent her lifetime living and volunteering across rural and remote Australia. For the past 18 years Sally, her husband and family have farmed in the Warrumbungle region, they love life on the land and being a part of a rural community. Sally is a passionate advocate for Rural Australia – its people, its land and water, and to helping these communities survive, and hopefully thrive. Authorised by Sally Edwards, Libertarian Party, 2 Lyn Parade, Prestons NSW 2170