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Este canal ofrece los mejores videos motivacionales de grandes influenciadores como El Temach,Llados,Marphe etc. 💥 referentes en fitness y superación personal. Aquí compartimos sus palabras más inspiradoras para impulsarte hacia tus metas 🚀 con ediciones cuidadas, música de fondo 🎶 y subtítulos que destacan cada enseñanza. Todos los derechos pertenecen a sus autores, respetando su identidad y contenido original ⚠️. Los Videos, estan transformados en un formato accesible y único, Que amplían el valor de sus mensajes como herramientas de crecimiento personal 🌱. Cada video cuenta con el permiso de los creadores, quienes permiten su difusión siempre que se respeten sus derechos de autor ✅. Este canal es un puente que transmite sus enseñanzas de manera auténtica, ayudándote a mantener la motivación y enfoque en tu desarrollo personal y físico 💪🔥. ¡Dale play y transforma tu vida con la energía y sabiduría de estos grandes! ✨

The Old Mrs Moody Show


A delightful new SHOW for KIDDOS ON THE GO! Staring Old Mrs. Moody and Catbaloo! These 10-ish minute episodes are the perfect listening length to keep kiddos entertained while running errands around town, waiting at the doctor’s office, riding in a shopping cart, or while sitting in a car seat in an after-school pickup line. The Old Mrs. Moody Show Programming includes: INTERACTIVE ADVENTURE EPISODES Kiddos are invited to join in and “play a part” as Old Mrs. Moody and Catbaloo take fantastic adventures around the world and through space and time. And where will they go? Maybe to a reef in the Coral Sea to meet a seahorse named Seabiscuit. Perhaps they’ll buckle up in a time machine and travel back to the year 1860 to help a silver miner find his lost mule or help the Wright Brothers make the first powered flight! AND OLD MRS. MOODY’S NEIGHBORHOOD EPISODES Old Mrs. Moody and Catbaloo discover secrets and solve mysteries right in their own backyard. Authentic sound effects, engaging scripts, and music bring these story episodes to life. Listeners can close their eyes and imagine themselves right in the middle of Old Mrs. Moody and Catbaloo’s exploits and escapades. ––– We hope to stir the imaginations of our dear little listeners. They are the creators, movie makers, artists, engineers, architects, and storytellers of our future. We hope you enjoy the show. And thank you for listening! Love, Old Mrs. Moody and Catbaloo