Indie Films & Movies

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PUSHPLAY.VIP LLC, a Georgia-based Digital Media Company, offering a dedicated streaming platform tailored for independent filmmakers & content creators to host Pay-Per-View film premieres, presenting a lucrative revenue-generating opportunity with swift payouts and residual income. Our Subscription Based TV & Mobile App, PUSHPLAY.VIP, was successfully launched in October 2023 and is now accessible on RokuTV, Amazon FireStick, Apple App Store, Google PlayStore, and Apple TV. Planning a premiere or an online red carpet event before the public release? No worries! Contact us at 844.335.5050 or email for more information.


1 Follower

एक लड्डू के लिए सब्स्क्राइब करें! उपलब्धियां - 20,000,000 पेड़ लगाने के लिए $20,000,000 जुटाए - लाखों डॉलर दान में दिए - 100 से अधिक कारों का दान किया - एक निजी द्वीप दिया - 100 से अधिक ps4s बाटे - एक वीडियो में 1 मिलियन डॉलर दिए - 100k तक गिना - शब्दकोश पढ़ा - 10 घंटे तक मरने तक डांस देखा - मधुमक्खी मूवी स्क्रिप्ट पढ़ा - सबसे लंबा अंग्रेजी शब्द पढ़ा - पेंट को सूखते हुए देखा - अमेरिका भर में टैक्सी से घुमा - It's Every Day Bro को 10 घंटे के लिए देखा - दुनिया के सबसे बड़े जूतों में मैराथन दौड़ा - एक आश्रय मे हर कुत्ते को अपनाया आपको समझ आ रहा है न हाहा * मुझे पैसे मांगने के लिए ईमेल न करें, मैं पैसे देता हूं क्योंकि एसा करने से मुझे खुशी मिलती है :)

Central Indie

1 Follower

A Central Indie é um canal dedicado a criação de jogos do zero ao intermediário, ensinando como fazer jogos em varias engines ( programa para criar seus jogos ) conhecidas do mercado de games como Unity , Godot , Unreal e Gdevelop, e também outros programas que podem servir para ajudar no desenvolvimento de jogos, mas dando preferencia aos gratuitos. A ideia dos vídeos do canal central indie é ser curto, mas que ensine o necessário para você não perder tempo, não deixando de ter uma boa explicação para um melhor entendimento do assunto, agradeço de mais por sua atenção e se ainda houver duvidas sobre algo você pode deixar nos comentários dos vídeos que assim que possível eu vou estar respondendo.

Indie Unity Game Developer


Hamza Indie Unity is a channel dedicated to teaching Unity to beginners. Whether you're completely new to game development or you're looking to expand your skills, our tutorials are designed to help you learn the fundamentals of Unity and start creating your own games. Our content is easy to follow and covers a wide range of topics, from setting up your first project to advanced scripting techniques. With [Channel Name], you'll learn everything you need to know to bring your game ideas to life in Unity. Subscribe now to start your game development journey!