High Road Hunting with Keith Warren


The official Rumble Channel of Keith Warren. Keith Warren is an icon in the outdoor industry and a devoted conservationist. He has been producing and hosting television shows specifically geared to outdoorsmen for three decades and has been featured on numerous networks including Outdoor Channel, ESPN, ESPN 2, Sportsman Channel, and Pursuit Channel. Keith currently hosts The High Road with Keith Warren and Deer & Wildlife Stories with Keith Warren, nationally broadcast on the Pursuit Channel: DirecTV 604, Dish Network 393.

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Midwest Ghost Hunters


If you have an interest in exploring the paranormal, you're in the right place! For nearly five decades, we have explored the true history and hauntings of some of the scariest places in America, investigating hundreds of locations across 22 states. We have captured evidence of the unexplained and have communicated with the dead. We have also found some locations more hype than haunted. Our goal for this channel is to share our experiences and evidence (or lack of) and let you decide. If you are interested in doing what we do, we hope to teach you a little of that too! Whether you're an armchair ghost hunter or planning a ghostly trip of your own, this channel is your go-to for all things haunted! Remember to hit that subscribe button so you don’t miss any new content! Thanks for sharing our adventures. Just Say Boo!