Defense Politics Asia: Gaming Verified


This is a sub-channel of Defense Politics Asia which houses the DPA Gamings content. As the DPA community grow, the number of gamers within the community that are interested in playing or watching military/historical or strategy theme games is likely to be present. So it is only natural to build a totally new set of audience, where perhaps through games and culture - we are able to share deep insights/understanding into war, military, politics and geopolitics. Members of the community will be invited to join in community sessions or tournaments in war/diplomacy/strategy games together as well as exploring strategy/tactics, etc... via relevant games.

Efect politic (Global News RomĆ¢nia)


"Efect politic": emisiune tv și online a Global News RomĆ¢nia (post tv romĆ¢nesc de știri, dezvăluiri și dezbateri, cu emisie tv și online și succesorul fostului post tv News RomĆ¢nia, care a fost mereu și foarte abuziv cenzurat, amendat și apoi Ć®nchis de C.N.A. Ć®n 2.08.2022): Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Efect politic" (de la Global News RomĆ¢nia), Ć®n canal video din Ediții ale celorlalte emisiuni tv și online de la Global News RomĆ¢nia și de la fostul post tv News RomĆ¢nia, Ć®n secțiunea Toate video-urile utilizatorului "News RomĆ¢nia" din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Știri" și "Știrea exactă" (de la Global News RomĆ¢nia), Ć®n canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Starea de veghe" (de la Global News RomĆ¢nia), Ć®n canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "La ordinea zilei" (de la News RomĆ¢nia), Ć®n canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "RomĆ¢nia unită" (de la News RomĆ¢nia), Ć®n canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Avocatul tău" (de la News RomĆ¢nia), Ć®n canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Starea de constituționalitate" (de la News RomĆ¢nia), Ć®n canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Insomnia" (de la News RomĆ¢nia), Ć®n canal video din Site-ul postului tv Global News RomĆ¢nia: SCOPUL NOSTRU ESTE SĂ FIM O TELEVIZIUNE LIBERĂ, INDEPENDENTĂ, OBIECTIVĂ, CARE SĂ PROMOVEZE ADEVĂRUL, MORALITATEA, VALORILE NAȚIONALE ȘI INTERESUL ECONOMIC AL ROMƂNIEI, SĂ FIE CƂINELE DE PAZĂ AL DEMOCRAȚIEI.

The 700 Club Asia


The 700 Club Asia YouTube Channel aims to bring Filipinos worldwide to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by sharing true-to-life stories of people transformed by the love of God. To achieve our mission, we commit to continuously share inspirational stories, sound biblical content, and socially relevant teaching videos that will help our audience put their hope and trust in God. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to watch full episodes of TSCA on demand, and catch the quarterly livestream of our TV special! You will also get the chance to watch socially relevant webisodes and connect with a community of believers where you can have the opportunity to support Godā€™s work and receive godly advice. Our show airs on GMA at 12 midnight and can be viewed here on our channel at 9 pm from Mondays to Fridays.

Eurasia Translate


In until now two of three published interviews, whistleblower "Alexander Laurent" reports of the hidden and actual structures on and around our planet. For viewing purpose: The information presented on this channel aren't videos with closed topics, but rather part of two eight hour lasting interviews, which have been produced with the whistleblower "Alexander Laurent". Created video titles are, above all, indented to support a better orientation for the viewer. That is, all topics of the separate parts aren't closed topics themselves, they interlock during the course of the interview and are being deepened in a combining way. Thus, we recommend the viewer, to not arbitrary pick a video, but rather watch the separate parts in the indented sequence. Otherwise there might appear irritations. For your information: This channel is an ongoing process. Download all relevant files (this link is being updated constantly):