Este canal tem o INTUITO de mostrar através de CORTES de VÍDEOS, EXPONDO as MENTIRAS ou FAKE NEWS contadas Pelas MÍDIAS e canais de ESQUERDA. Isso não quer DIZER que somente a ESQUERDA cria FAKE NEWS. Mas na sua maioria. E somente através dos FATOS é que a VERDADE irá PREVALECER. Porque para uma NARRATIVA ficar de PÉ é preciso se atentar aos FATOS e não somente nas FALÁCIAS sem OUVIR os 2 LADO. Então julgue vc mesmo ATENTANDO sempre aos FATOS e não em FALÁCIAS ou NARRATIVAS que não se pode PROVAR. Porque na MAIORIA das VEZES são contadas para te ENGANAR.

Hazel and Hyssop


Real Stories of Faith, Hope and Perseverance. A planted seed struggles to push through the soil as it grows in strength and stature in order to become what it was created to be. In this short-subject docuseries, you\'ll hear stories of real people that endured hardships that led to them becoming what God created them to be. ...and although the fight does not end here, the fruit the produce by trusting in Jesus multiplies as they use the hope they gained to bless others. Everyone has inherent value. Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is made in the image of God. Within everyone there is a person striving against the forces of the world to become what God intended. Watch the stories that inspired... The Clay and Potter Chronicles