I am a journalist covering consumer protection and fraud. Edit

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The Billion Dollar Fraud Story


The story of this channel is about Reza; a 30 year old Iranian citizen, while living in Iran, won the GreenCard Lottery and migrated to the USA. As soon as he stepped on American soil, he was arrested. After being accused of defrauding the U.S. out of 4.7 billion dollars, he was ultimately sentenced to 10 years in federal prison... #billiondollarfraud #billiondollarheist #iranianhacker #financialcrimes #whitecollarcrimes #criminalmastermind #financialfraud #truecrimestories #whitecollarcrime #truecrimepodcast #scandalousfraud #whitecollarcriminal #truecrimestories #courtroomdrama #truecrimepodcast