Keeping It Real Evangelism


Greetings everyone, my name is Robert Burnett and I am the founder of Keeping It Real Evangelism. This channel is dedicated to upholding the Biblical authority of Gods word and christian doctrines. Topics that will be discussed on Keeping It Real Evangelism will range from but not be limited to. The Sovereignty of God. The Sufficiency of Christ. Grace. The Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. The need for Repentance. Justification, Sanctification, Why obey Jesus the Christ. Bible reviews. Creation Science vs Evolution. Last days and End times plus much, much more.

Pastor Russ Clarke


Welcome to Rock of Ages Evangelical Church. We are based in the town of Askern which is roughly around 7 miles from Pontefract and Doncaster. The Rock Of Ages Evangelical Church seeks to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ and was formed to be faithful to the Christian Faith in accordance with what the Bible teaches. To offer instruction via Preaching and Teaching, fellowship, and pastoral care, with the aim that those who seek membership may mature in the faith. In obedience to Christ’s command we seek to make disciples of people from all nations and walks of life that they may be saved to eternal life. To love one another as Christ loved us, no matter what our skin colour or nationality. To offer practical help to any in need where possible. To encourage children and teenagers in the Church and community to learn about the Christian faith. This Church accepts the Holy Bible as its only authority regarding all matters of Christian faith and practice.