Teachings on the Laws of Mind - Flip Your World Your Way


Throughout time and space we have been left nuggets to help guide us in our journey of life. This - all of it - is about Humanity and humanity is made up of individuals. The story of Science is just another way of telling the story in the Bible - the story of Humanity and in turn each one of us individually. It\'s so big you can\'t see it - you are in the thick of it. Cutting down the trees to see the forest. This is all a mind game. Learn the Principles behind it all and make it As You Wish. They were called Followers of the Way. There is only one way - yours! Come learn all about it - if you dare.

Homeschool Math


Hello. My name is Jeff and I graduated as a home educated student way back in 1983. Years later, I returned to school while I was in my mid-forties and received my degree in education. I have used IXL as a curriculum for several years now and have created videos to support my instruction of the IXL activities I use in my classroom. Realizing that many home educated students might benefit from my videos, I have decided to post them here on Rumble. Note that the video titles match the IXL activates they refer to and also have the special three-character codes used on the IXL website. Most videos are for algebra and I will continue to add videos as I create them. Enjoy.

Prophet, Pastor & Teacher Verified


NO! - Church Home NO! - Pastor NO! - Car NO! - Computer * * * NO PROBLEM !!!! * * * *** SUNDAY'S TEACHINGS *** 11AM EASTERN, 8AM PACIFIC TIME Call In Line: (872) 240-3311 code 511-278-085# * GOD Is The Owner/Creator of The Universe and HE is neither left or right, HE Is Always, JUST & RIGHT! Please Sign Our Guestbook or Call through the website: HomeChurchesInternational.org (or) TheUnitedSaintsOfAmerica.us Our Website as you can see is full information as well "THE LINKS" to Thousands of Archived Videos on just about every subject! I am Called in these the last of The LAST DAYS, to Get HIS People Ready for what ever the demons of darkness throw at us. At the same time Build GODLY Relationships, to be there, for one Another! Please Feel Free to Call Me Personally anytime 24/7. Thanks and God Bless! (Lets Talk Soon) Pastor Sylvester Bland 951-360-3399