Valorant Live || RankPush in Singapore Server || TheDraczShow


Hey Wassup Guys 😄 Welcome to TheDraczShow You can watch the live streams to have fun and lots of laughter. Today, we're going to try hard as usual. OG Rank: Gold 3(VALORANT) Daily Stream Timings: 10 pm to thoda late and 3 pm Thankyou for supporting me and I hope you'll help me reach some milestones. I'll Meet You in the next Stream. Till Then Good Bye !!!! #valorant #valorantlive #valorantclips #valorantindia #valorantmontage #valorantforyou #dailylive #gold1

The Statecraft Observer Podcast


A Clear, Strong and Factual Point of View. The STATECRAFT OBSERVER Podcast is a Christian Constitutional Conservative Podcast from Texas. Never one to shy away from hot button issues the host offers up a healthy dose of reality wrapped in the truth and delivered unapologetically. If you care about God, Judeo-Christian values, The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Supporting our Military, Pro-Life, Strong Borders, Fair and Equal Trade, America First and being a PROUD American Citizen who stands for our Flag – this podcast is for you. Host: Brandon Keller



We are Warriors for such a time as this. Pray, intercede and encourage others! Be the light! Stand up & be strong! Remain at peace in your spirit but be prepared to protect your families. Turn off MSM & Social Media as 99% of it is lies designed to discourage. Remember Satan is the father of ALL lies. Guard your eyes, ears, mind & heart by filtering what you allow in. Deception is his tool, denial is a choice. Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. Pray and ask God what your role is, and jump in with both feet. Whether its intersession, to be an exhorter & encourager, to protect the weak, whatever... God knows, ask Him. YOU HAVE A ROLL! You are here for such a time as this. Read the Word, keep the faith and, "run, don't walk" in your calling. Joshua 1:9 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” God bless & protect you & your families! Bill ✌😎