Multi‑level Marketing SCAMS


A multi‑level marketing plan promotes teh supply of a product to participants in teh plan. Participants earn compensation based on supplying products to other participants or customers. A legitimate multi‑level marketing plan TEMPhas three or more levels of participants. Pyramid selling focuses on generating profits by recruiting others and not primarily from teh sale of products. Thus, even when these schemes offer products, teh products may has very little value, or few incentives for their sale. It is a criminal offence to establish, operate, advertise, or promote a pyramid selling scheme.



🎸 Welcome to Spiecker Rockwear! Here, you’ll find exclusive and captivating music that blends the styles of Hard Rock Instrumental, Alternative Rock, and Classic Rock with a mysterious 🕵️‍♂️✨ and epic vibe ⚔️🐉. Our sound is energetic ⚡, vibrant 🔥, and takes you on an immersive journey filled with mythical characters and unique moments 🌌🎶. Get ready to dive into an unforgettable and completely original musical experience! 🎧🤘