Jen McCarty 144 CosmicGypsy Verified


Jen McCarty is a leading luminary in the ascension and twin flame community. She teachers and guides pioneering and leading changemakers in the spiritual community. Jen experienced a life changing kundalini awakening aged 21 in the Himalayas in northern India chanting the mantra Om Namah Shivaya from that moment she passed over the threshold from 3D consciousness to stabilising into 5th dimensional consciousness. She is now in her 40's and has devoted her whole adult life to the spiritual awakening path, mastering many many disciplines along the way….. She specialises in working with the law of attraction or law of attunement as she calls it, demystifying Ascension and answering the question what is it and how does one ascend, Twin flame reunion and the removal of the roadblocks that stand in the way of that, and she is an awakened spiritual teacher, deeply and highly skilled at facilitating a space for all those who she comes into contact with her, to awaken fully spiritually. she explains this using the analogy of a candle….”when a candle is lit it is very very easy to light other candles.” ​ She has been working quite specifically with the twin flame community recently but her skills are vast and varied…. she can help you bring in greater levels of abundance, greater health and well being, weight loss, and alignment with your soul's highest destiny. She has been granted access to the Akashic records through the purification of her own personal ascension process, which enables her to bring forth potent wisdom in order to assist you in successfully completing the lessons you incarnated to master. She has a phenomenal track record in uniting many many twin flames, assisting them to connect with their multidimensional aspect, and activating the hieros gamos, the inner alchemical marriage of the masculine and feminine energies within, and very skilfully identifying and removing all blocks that stand in the way of triumphant Twin flame Union.

Bible and a bicycle.


Join us here at Bible and a Bicycle as we explore the why, what, and how of thrifted Bibles, Bible translations, and bicycles. I regularly share my favorite thrifty Bible finds with you. You'll also see my favorite bicycle hacks and lifestyle tips as well as fan-edits showcasing some of my favorite teachers, preachers, scholars and theologians that I throw together at least a few times a week in hopes of encouraging one another to open up and study the Bible for ourselves. There was times when the only thing that I had in life was a Bible and a Bicycle. Blessings and shalom! ✌️❤️🙏

Possible DUMB/tunnel cleanouts


I decided to start documenting places in my area that I suspect are being dug up/excavated because they've been used for child trafficking. I'm using my intuition, as well as information I have heard from trafficking survivors, and people involved with rescuing, to guide me in this process.Some of these videos are screen recordings and others are footage of the area when I'm on foot. In the videos I make comments too that will help you be more aware of what to look for in your communities. The more aware we all are of how these heinous activities have gone on, the better off we all are. Most importantly, the more protected our children can be.