Children's Health Podcast


Learn how to improve your child's health using functional lab testing, diet, supplementation, sleep strategies, and more. Christian Yordanov, author of "Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy" shares his nuggets of research that will help you improve your child's health and quality of life, at the same time improving your own quality of life. Get the book "Autism Wellbeing Plan: How to Get Your Child Healthy" - #autism #autismawareness #asd #autismsupport #autismresearch

Protect Ohio Children (Northern 1/3 of state school districts)


Children have a legal right to an academic education that protects their innocence, free from comprehensive sexuality education and radical indoctrination. We will not tolerate the radicalization of children in our schools. We will equip and support individuals who are monitoring and evaluating school boards. We will assist in replacing radical school board officials through the election process. Is your school district presenting obscene, radical, or dangerous information in the classroom? NOW you can send it to us anonymously. We will assess the information, post, and update our state-wide indoctrination map.