Calvary Prophecy Report


I have been teaching Bible prophecy and how it relates to current events for nearly two decades. You can find me listed on Who's Who In Bible Prophecy as one of the top Bible prophecy experts of our generation. I am an author, teacher, speaker and founder of My website provides Biblical insight into current world events and prophecy updates that keep you informed as to where we are on God's prophetic calendar. I emphasize a pre-tribulation rapture of the church and the soon coming seven-year peace treaty with Israel. I have authored and charted a chronological timeline that details the events of the tribulation period, Millennium, judgments, and the Eternal State. I also have a tribulation period survival section for those left behind. This channel is dedicated to teaching the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and presenting videos that describe the signs leading up to the rapture and events of the tribulation period.

Calvary Chapel of Milwaukee


Calvary Chapel Milwaukee is a fellowship of believers under the Lordship of Jesus Christ who desire to glorify Him with our lives. We yearn to know and experience Jesus through His written word and in doing so, be transformed into the image of our Savior. We aspire to see the salvation of those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus. We desire to see Christians grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus and mature in their walk with Him, as well as be equipped for the work of the ministry. This site will allow you to become familiar with us and our beliefs. Grace to you all. May the love of Jesus surround you as you walk with Him.