

Welcome to Daily Crush! Have you ever wanted to see what happens to things as they are crushed?! On this channel we will test the limits of everyday items against our hydraulic press and see how they CRUSH under the pressure! Every day we will crush various things from food to toys to electronics....you name it, we will press it, crush it, and destroy it! Be sure to subscribe for new crushing videos every single day! And leave us a comment on what items you would like to see us crush! Keep PRESSING on!

Ky The Crusader


Im a Knight the plays video games and talks shit. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@KyTheCrusader/featured Kick: https://kick.com/kythecrusader TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kythecrusader BotRix: https://botrix.live/y/@kythecrusader/tip StreamElements: https://www.youtube.com/@KyTheCrusader/featured Minds: https://www.minds.com/kythecrusader/ Special Thanks too! Artist: Iwi @iwiwiwii Rigger: Kino @kinaurr Backgrounds: Nailum @ArtNailum Overlays, Logo, Banner: Studio Seraph @studio_seraph BGM: Always Music - Medieval Song Village Consort [No Copyright Music]