Liquid Crystal Healing


The Liquid Crystals are vibrational healing remedies that comprise The Earth\\\'s Evolutionary Mineral Therapy. They are change facilitators that help us at the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of Life.
Humans need Minerals to Ascend, Build & Sustain Life because minerals not only supply the building blocks of physical life, they also provide the structure for the Light of Consciousness and the Soul to anchor into Physicality.
 This is a natural system of Earth Medicine that\\\'s been remembered for the Modern World from Ancient Times by Justin Moikeha Asar.

 The Gifts of The Earth\\\'s 77 Foundational Minerals & Crystals await Embrace in your Body made of Earth, Fire, Water, Air & Spirit, to activate your Wisdom for your unique pathway of Healing, Evolution and Divine Purpose.

 There are also 33 Star Child Liquid Crystal Remedies, 46 Liquid Trees for Healing Relationships, Shadow Chaser Series with Shadow Guardians, for safe shadow work & 13 Crystal Skulls.



Aborda temas relacionados à religião e política, tendo como principal foco a crítica ao comunismo e ao “marxismo cultural”. Estão aqui opiniões, análises e críticas em relação a determinados temas, como aborto, ideologia de gênero, corrupção, entre outros. Com uma posição conservadora e religiosa, valorizando a família e a defesa dos princípios cristãos, com uma forte posição contra o comunismo. Voltado para um público conservador e religioso, que se opõe a determinadas ideologias políticas e defende valores tradicionais.

CRYSTALClear Insights


CRYSTALClear is a Spiritual Mentor & Intuitive Empath. About me: I AM nothing more than spirit (AKA energy) with a consciousness. I am experiencing this marvelous world in the 3D dimension within my human body. I rely on the guidance of the Divine of the highest frequencies of love to help and seek direction through everyday transitions. I am working to navigate through this life of ups and downs, learning discernment, and stepping forward to serve my Dharma (evolving as it may need). My goal is to help others who feel pulled and open to hearing any given message for their own life. I love sharing what I have discovered throughout life's tribulations, my interests in quantum science, psychology, philosophy, and above all else, the spiritual guidance and downloads to serve in raw authenticity. I am seeking to attract like-minded individuals; as a collective, we are all here to help one another.