The Outlaw Feminist


The purpose of this channel is to push my face out into the ether and tell my very unique and special story in order to draw attention to the things I care about as follows: 1. ENDING STATE-SANCTIONED SEX TRAFFICKING IN MY HOMETOWN OF PORTLAND, OREGON. Get behind me or beside me but do not get in front of me. I have already accepted that I will be carried by six or judged by 12 on this one. If you gaslight me or attack me or threaten me, your name will be added to my list of "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SEX TRAFFICKERS (SYLST)".

Clay Center Ks 575 GMRS Repeater


This Group for anyone interested in GMRS Radio or Emergency Communications. The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) is a licensed radio service that uses channels around 462 MHz and 467 MHz. The most common use of GMRS channels is for short-distance, two-way voice communications using hand-held radios, mobile radios and repeater systems. In 2017, the FCC expanded GMRS to also allow short data messaging applications including text messaging and GPS location information. Services that provide functionality similar to GMRS include the Citizens Band Radio Service (CBRS), the Family Radio Service (FRS) and the Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS). The GMRS is available to an individual (one man or one woman) for short-distance two-way communications to facilitate the activities of licensees and their immediate family members. Each licensee manages a system consisting of one or more transmitting units (stations.) The rules for GMRS limit eligibility for new GMRS system licenses to individuals in order to make the service available to personal users. (Some previously licensed non-individual systems are allowed to continue using GMRS.) In 2017, the FCC updated the GMRS by allotting additional interstitial channels in the 467 MHz band, increased the license term from 5 to 10 years, allowed transmission of limited data applications such as text messaging and GPS location information and made other updates to the GMRS rules to reflect modern application of the service. An FCC license is required to operate GMRS system. Licenses are issued for a ten-year term and can be renewed between 90 days prior to the expiration date and up to the actual expiration date of the license. After a license expires, an individual must request a new GMRS license. A GMRS system licensed to a non-individual prior to July 31, 1987 is also eligible for renewal, but the licensee may not make any major modification to the system. You may apply for a GMRS license if you are 18 years or older and not a representative of a foreign government. If you receive a license, any family member, regardless of age, can operate GMRS stations and units within the licensed system. The FCC service rules for the GMRS are located in 47 C.F.R. Part 95 Subpart E. You can find information about GMRS licensing in the rules.

Clay Schmitz


Once upon a time all our ancestors lived in tribes or bands and we took care of each and shared all we had. We lived in harmony with the earth and each other for hundreds of thousands of years. At some point this bond was broken, we lost the knowledge, and forgot who we are. I am ready to re-tribe, to build a way of life designed for human thriving. To support us financially please donate, or subscribe to a monthly membership: If you want to join me please contact me: Substack:



- You're here because you know something. What you know, you can't explain. But you feel it. You felt it your entire life. That there's something wrong with this world. You don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in your mind -- driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Its time for you to learn everything anew - again! Because everything they told you about this world was a lie... “ The greatest kindness one can render to any man is to lead him to the truth.” -St. Thomas Aquinas YouTube channel:

Clay Roses


Hi Marc and Amber Wheeles here founders of the Christian Indie duo Clay Rose, we want to thank for stoping by our page! We as Clay Rose want to speak through our music to a lost generation. Our platform is raw indie Christian music with a message; and the message is simple: shake the cage, stand up for holiness, and bring in the Kingdom. We want to inspire both young and the old to make this the most powerful and emboldened generation of Christians the world has ever seen. To bring people from the depths of whatever situation they may be in, to the heights and majesty of a believer who follows Christ with no compromise and no shame. Our attitude and work reflect the verse Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It’s time for a Joseph generation to rise up from the ashes of a dormant church! If you are spiritually hungry, and desperately seeking the raw expression of God that reflects truth, look no further than Clay Roses ministry to the broken and hard-hearted. God Save us all from religion.