libera espressione


Scenario is a social network for sharing ideas, opinions, lifestyles and proposals. It was born on the initiative of a new community of people who want to keep on defending freedoms and rights and expressed the need for their own communication tool not subject to the algorithms of the big multinationals' sites. In long and passionate discussions, we realised the need for an environment - agora - open to any contribution, free, without censorship from above, rooted in our Greek-Roman democratic culture, to understand what happened and to unite us so that it does not happen again.

Nura and Victor Liberated Indigenous Aborigine


🪶🪶#INDIGENOUS meaning, originating from this particular land on Earth Mother, that is now called America because this word is not the original name our Ancestors called our land, and.... ABORIGINE, meaning, the "first" , the earliest people existing from the beginning. Chahtah “hatak tinkba”, a natural born Indigenous Aboriginal Chahtah Man, and Chahtah “ohoyo tinkba”, a natural born Indigenous Aboriginal Chahtah Woman of the lands, now called the Americas, re-connecting with our land; our true indigenous culture, and our Ancestral lineage alongside other Indigenous aborigine of like minds whose Ancestors that did not consent to the colonization, assimilation, and theft of our homeland.

Instituto Conservador-Liberal


O Instituto: O Instituto Conservador-Liberal nasce com a missão de contribuir com a construção de um país firmemente assentado em seus valores fundacionais, onde a liberdade individual, o livre mercado, a família, o patriotismo e a busca por felicidade possam prosperar. Nasce ainda com a franca intenção de se tornar o maior instituto de educação e pesquisa conservadora do Brasil, difundindo largamente os valores conservadores-liberais na sociedade brasileira, promovendo a educação e a formação política, conduzindo estudos, pesquisas e análises de natureza política, econômica e social, e diversas outras atividades relacionadas. O Instituto Conservador Liberal quer legar às futuras gerações o exemplo de coragem de defender e fomentar firmemente as ideias que fundamentam sua missão. As melhores soluções para os problemas que exigem criação de políticas públicas se coadunam com as ideias e princípios conservadores-liberais, promovidos no âmbito do Instituto.