Welcome to the FAILFUN channel on Rumble! Be the first to sign up for FailFun. We will make your life more fun with funny videos, best failures, funny kids, funny moments of people and animals daily. FailFun brings you the best compilations of the funniest clips on the Internet. FailFun is a place that brings you the most fun and interesting moments around the world ... We guarantee that you will laugh a lot and leave our channel with a smile on your face! When good humor and laughter are shared they bring people together, increase intimacy and, of course, contribute to the state of happiness. In addition, laughing strengthens the immune system, increases energy, decreases pain, protects against the effects of stress and more. Having a good laugh also helps in the proper functioning of the cardiac system. The smile helps to maintain emotional balance, keeps us more relaxed, increases self-esteem and high spirits. Smiling rejuvenates and increases longevity, as it moves the musculature of the face, helping to maintain the elasticity of the skin. Among the many health benefits that laughter can bring are: reducing stress, promoting calorie burning, improving sleep quality, strengthening the abdomen, improving blood circulation, breathing and digestion, strengthening the immune system , stimulate creativity and induce the creation of bonds with other people. SucessoEvery success starts with a failure. Want to join FailFun? Send us your videos and you could be featured! #FailFun Our channel produces unforgettable emotions for you ;-) You can watch many funny videos about animals, pets, cats, dogs, children, babies, crashes and so on. We guarantee that you will laugh a lot and leave our channel with a smile on your face! Like the video and comment what you like best. FailFun loves you. Grab a drink, some snacks, sit back and watch some of our prank videos! ☎ CONTACT US:

Life Starts at Retirement


Retirement! It can cause great joy and anticipation and it can cause extreme stress and worry. Around the world, many people are wanting to enjoy retirement through new experiences, adventures, and embracing this fun, dynamic time of their lives. Life Starts at Retirement focuses on a positive attitude, wellbeing, relationships and financial knowledge to ensure your retirement will be remarkable. Sincerely, Maureen Dobranski Follow us on Faceboook at Twitter @lsaretirement Making Your Retirement Remarkable! #retirement #retire #lifestyle #canadapensionplan #ccp #oldagepension #oas #retirementplanning #retired #retireearlyandtravel #retirementlife #retirementlifestyle

Retro Restart


Restart your nostalgia with Retro Restart! Where I take a look at all the cool oddities from the past and the strange new stuff coming out in the future. I'll review movies, games, and tech. Just like every YouTube channel in the early 2010's to now. Great another one. No one gonna watch what I do anyways. Maybe I should order a pizza tonight wait why am I typing my inner thoughts. I'm still typing I know that I'm typing this, but I'm not stopping.......................................

Startup Blueprint Podcast


A podcast for those building the future. We're James and Suraj - friends since university with a shared passion for business and self-improvement. We interview ambitious entrepreneurs, digging into their unique lessons from the trenches of running a growing business, their visions for the future, and the mentalities that make them successful. Whether you're a serial founder, startup enthusiast, venture capitalist, or simply looking for the exit door at your current 9-5 job, this podcast is for you!

Der Dorftherapeut - Politische Irrenanstalt


Willkommen in der Irrenanstalt – wo Deutschlands verrückteste Politik endlich die Therapie bekommt, die sie dringend braucht. Ich bin der Dorftherapeut, dein (leicht sarkastischer) Begleiter. Nach fast 30 Jahren als Therapeut habe ich umgesattelt auf politische Notfallhilfe – mit einer Mischung aus Satire, Fakten und einer gesunden Portion schwarzem Humor. In der Irrenanstalt seziere ich Deutschlands täglichen Wahnsinn mit scharfer Satire, brutaler Ehrlichkeit und null Toleranz für Mainstream-Märchen. Wenn du Nachrichten lieber ungefiltert, unzensiert und gnadenlos ehrlich magst, bist du hier genau richtig. Abonniere und stelle dich dem Chaos. Also: Lass uns spielen!