The Leebulls


Welcome to THE LEEBULLS! We are a goofy family that always likes to have a great time. We were vlogging before it was cool. It all started when Chris got his first video camera when he was 11 years old. Hanging out with his cousins was always one of the highlights of his childhood, so he wanted to capture those memories to relive for years to come. Now, join Chris, his cousin Dylan & other cousins John, Eden, Camren and friends on their adventures..starting allilill the way back from present day! Hope you enjoy watching the adventures as much as we had making them!

Bull Movie


Hello everyone! Welcome to Bull Movie 🧡 This is the channel for Movie Commentary. Here, I will explain and comment on the movie in my unique way to help you better understand it, and add interesting twists to the video to add interesting twists. I hope to bring more high-quality and exciting movie commentary to everyone. Strive to become a high-quality film commentator. My update frequency is five a week. Welcome to subscribe to my channel: If you like it, don't forget to subscribe! -Stay and enjoy more fun!

Straight Up, No Bullshit Podcast


Welcome to the Straight Up, No Bullshit, The Don Handston Show. Your hosts, Don Handston and Markus Loving are going to push the limits, yet create an environment where it’s safe to uncover the crap that holds you back so you can survive the mediocrity of today’s life. We’ll be admitting and revealing our own experiences so you can learn the skills and attitude you need to be who you are, No Bullshit. Our Intention is to enlighten you and expand your perspective with our bold and honest discussions about what might be holding you back from being your genuine self. *** warning to all listeners if you have thin skin and get offended easily by harsh, direct or somewhat offensive content and language then this podcast might not be for you. However we believe pulling your blinders off and doing things from a real perspective will feel invigorating and may be the very thing that may cause you to expand your capabilities exponentially.