UFO MatriX | The Disclosure Ages


Welcome to UFO Matrix | The Disclosure Ages! 🛸 Explore a realm of mystery and unexplained phenomena as we dive into the captivating world of UFOs with real sightings from all over the world! Here I am posting my collection of UFO videos that youtube rejected many times, flagged and tried to delete my channel completely 3 times without being able to upload new videos for fear that my channel will be closed and the hard work of years will disappear.

Réfléchir et Agir Libre


Visiteur unique ou abonné (in)fidèle - Bienvenue Tu trouveras ici : - Des vidéos inédites à regarder et garder pour tes petits enfants & pour l'Histoire - Des actualités (toujours fraîches même en été) - De l'information (pas toujours d'actualité mais en rapport souvent) - Du questionnement (pour se questionner) - De l'analyse (sans avoir à utiliser le petit gobelet) - De l'humour (à 37°C) Tu ne trouveras pas ici : - D'appels à la violence, à la haine, à un numéro surtaxé - De complotisme, de satanisme, de transhumanisme, et tout un tas de mots qui finissent en .isme - De développement personnel pour être champion en développé/couché - De conseils "beauté" pour concurrencer Loana - De conseils "minceur" ...idem - De formations pour devenir riche en 72h avec seulement 2€ d'apport, le tout pour 49€ tout rond au lieu de 1699,99€ (promotion à durée illimitée pendant 2h) Tu as lu jusqu'ici ? Alors j'espère que tu t'es abonné, activé les notifs & blablabla... Be ReAL

Age of Reinvention: How to Discover Freedom and New Life Purpose After 50


It’s not uncommon to dream and crave a big change in life. When you are young, switching your profession, or altering your life direction is normal and often encouraged. After 50 however, it takes real courage and willpower to make these changes. The question is: where do you start? How can you find new life meaning, energy, and inspiration for the big leap in the midlife? On the [Age of Reinvention: How to find Freedom and Life Purpose After 50] you will get inspiration, information and practical tips from the real-life stories of English -speaking professionals world-wide (including international expats, immigrants) that have found new passions, purpose and added fulfillment in their lives after 50. What unites these people? They found new life meaning after international relocation, immigration, self-development process, personal or professional crisis in the past by launching new personal projects, companies, set up some “art and culture” initiatives, written a book, and developed unique hobbies and talents, based on the existent old or newfound interests We cover the variety of possible lifestyle changes and self-development options for you to begin your new life chapter. Whether it’s a change of career or scenery, starting a new entrepreneurship activity, hobby, writing a book, or implementing a new lifestyle change such as relocating abroad! You will also meet professionals who are helping you to find inspiration, brilliant ideas and open the new life horizons Join host Emily Bron, avid traveler and multi-immigrant with variety of professional changes along the life road, as she explores this life stage through her discussions with guests who have had the courage to change their lives drastically.. And now are living to tell the tale!

Golden Age Timeline


This channel is about how to choose to leave the control matrix and transition into a higher, more benevolent timeline, or The Golden Age Timeline. If life is a game, then we are in final exam time. The intense scenarios happening on the world stage are designed to teach wise discernment. It’s to wake you up so you can get back a life of purpose and meaning.  If you've already on the awaken path, you are likely meant to lead and help others. Here we help you find and develop your purpose in the Golden Age timeline. We explore how to shift subconscious "mind stories", get clarity on your mission and  purpose, overcome procrastination, and build authentic self confidence. It's an intersection of esoteric knowledge to empower humanity, life purpose clarity, personal growth, emotional well-being, and spiritual development.