Elijah the Auraman


First and foremost, I am a long time fan of the manga and comic book community. I give my honest analysis, opinions, and views on chapters, issues, and more. I am neither a butler nor a chief; therefore, I will not serve you or cater to your every whim. [SOCIAL MEDIA] SUBSCRIBESTAR: https://www.subscribestar.com/ElijahAuraman ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@auraman:5 BITCHUTE: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/CbaZyyo0SJyD/ MINDS: https://www.minds.com/ElijahAuraman OTAKU FARMS: https://otakufarms.com/@auraman Bitcoin (BTC): bc1qgr60cvwz339zssx5x0rmzafczmz5lgajk07dpe Ethereum (ETH): 0xc6CF372555fA257AA032A8b14d397497d05722cd Bitcoin Cash (BCH): qp4tn7yv5qk386e95hf5dd4m3tn00he565v3ng28z5 Litecoin (LTC): LTewidrG7jkTgfoGUGNuduyXvPsQ1v1vEK Monero (XMR): 42QF96haiAMF6hU6HVADXU9UHZDHBxs1eHdyJz3MpBXy5Npb1v7eY4QVhmC5CVyCZL69r8ggu8xqwcBGm8vR7wucETMe6ee Zcash (ZEC): t1TM3m9KqRbRbUy5LsrzFAYP2mrMGj9DuZX Dash (DASH): XmHCjZkFCWoiDuyQNPgHkZw7LepdBZ5HpD Dogecoin (DOGE): DJTe6eqx5AgcKjK6WBZZFyDEBDmtHy7cxf

Justice Isn’t Just It’s Injustice


My Truth has no place overwhelming in Hypocrisy. I consider myself a genuine citizen. I’m not righteous, I’m not perfect, but definitely a genuine person and proud American. Until just over a week ago did I hear the phrase ‘gang stalking’ and here the last two and a half years I’ve been calling it ‘Predation’ and the phenomenon is real and has been happening for way to long. I know someone has been interested with something inside of me from the way I have been preyed upon and the resources that are being used is hard to believe. I mean a network of subhuman monsters in nice vehicles and some not so nice and on the opposite side of life. I feel like I’m being hunted like an animal, being followed, watched and stalked by too many. A sea of heartless, spineless cowards that I have learned are terrified of having their torso punctured a lot more than I having to puncture it! And it only takes a little bit of good . True Faith and a being a True Believer in Our Creator “Thy Almighty” (that walked the earth as a human we know as “Jesus Christ”) has brought me far enough that there is no doubt something for all humans after death. “If not for the shine of the moon and the sun I would of been done for it is the rays of white light that blew and blows through a cement yellow wall of subhuman creatures all I do is follow the shine.” Can’t Stop The Shine! Peace…

All Things Beauty


After years of wanting to do this, I finally decided there's no better time than now. This is for all the loved ones in my life who need courage and inspiration. I'm a mom of 5, turning 40 this year! I just like to laugh at myself and play with makeup from all over the spectrum -- everyday natural to bold & colorful! My major hobbies include fitness (more than a decade of heavy weight lifting), video games (I've played World of Warcraft since 2006) since my youngest childhood memories [my first of which was Duck Hunt, Super Mario, Castlevania, Final Fantasy,etc], makeup, & decor.

Aura Youniverse Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy


A safe space to recall your True Essence & reunite with your higher self through Quantum healing hypnotherapy, alchemy and consciousness exploration. Reclaim your sovereignty by embodying your soul's blueprint & unique multidimensional expression. Find relief and navigate the levels of your being, to enable healing, liberation and to integrate your True Self. Remember how to: Embody you True Essence & life purpose Reconnect with your highest self Explore past/parallel/future lives Integrate your soul origins and multidimensional aspects Heal trauma Find clarity Activate your DNA Release attachments etc. The transformations and possibilities are endless and miraculous. For more info visit my website https://www.aurayouniverse.com/ Much Love, Aura